Doralice, the pet that never lets go of Xuxa, leads the life of a queen. Learn all about her!
Since April 2021, wherever Xuxa Meneghel is, Doralice accompanies her. And, usually, it appears all bashful in the blonde’s lap. The Queen’s 12.6 million followers on Instagram know everything about Doralice. The Yorkshire bitch, by the way, became the true queen of the house, especially after sasha married.

“This little fur person is Doralice. She is adopted, but she came and stayed with Maria. Today it’s been a month since my Maria passed away, and I got attached to her to a degree that I’m scared. I need to say it again: the more I get to know people, the more I love animals”, declared the blonde at the time, showing the pet inside her overalls.
From then on, cute pictures of the two became routine. Doralice, so spoiled, she even has a room to call her own. Yes, dear readers, a quarter! Doalice’s home has a closet with dozens of clothes and several beds. Doalice’s home has a closet with dozens of clothes and several beds.
By the way, it’s not just that. Like the vast majority of people today, Doralice Meneghel Andrade it has its own social network, of course! The @doralicemenegheloficial profile has almost 40,000 followers and is updated by the pet’s “parents”, junno It is Xuxa. With the right to the team, get involved!
In the most recent post, six weeks ago, the pet appears “irritated” and has a “head chat” with the father, due to the absence of the “mother”… It is worth mentioning that the “sister”, sashahas the same attachment to her.
Xuxa she usually takes her yorkshire also to leisure events and the beauty even has a reserved seat on her owner’s jet during trips.
Life, huh, Doralice!
Doralice, the pet that never lets go of Xuxa, leads the life of a queen. Learn all about her!
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