Embratur predicts record foreign tourism in Brazil in 2023
According to Freixo, Brazil received 2.6 million of international tourists in the first quarter of the year, which resulted in BRL 8.6 billion while the record year recorded in all 6.5 million of visitors, considered a number well below the expectations of the President of Embratur. Since the end of the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the world has invested in the resumption of the tourism sector as one of the main mechanisms to move the economy, which followed the proposal of the event.
On the occasion, Freixo highlighted the impact of the financial result in the four months. “BRL 8.6 billion is for the owner of the restaurant, for the owner of the hotel, for the taxi, for the barbecue on the corner, for art and culture. So it’s income, it’s employment and it’s development, the numbers are here”said the current president of Embratur.
Marcelo Freixo (PT) – (Photo: Disclosure/Reproduction/CBN)
Also at the event was the head of Special Advice on Technical Matters, Wilke Soutorepresentative of the minister Daniela Carneiro (Tourism) at the time. Wilke mediated the actions and purposes of the federal government in favor of the development of the sector, divided by civil and business interests. The representative disclosed the offer of 4 thousand vacancies in qualification courses with partner institutions of the Ministry of Tourismas an alternative to boost the job market and qualify the sector’s performance.
Another agenda dealt with during the event was the updating of guides to assist tourists with disabilities, the LGBTQIA+ population and the elderly. The content of the document includes guidelines that provide greater protection and qualified service to these audiences, with the aim of offering an adequate and positive experience to visitors. The material is available at site by the Ministry of Tourism and can be read using smartphones, tablets or computers.
For the federal government, the participation of the state’s business community through public policies is essential for the evolution of the tourism sector, as observed by Wilke Souto. The strategy integrates the plan Participatory Brazila platform launched by the government on the 15th, which allows the Brazilian population to express what are the priorities for investments in public policies in the coming years of the Executive Power.
Featured Photo: Event Lide Rio – Victor Maciel/MTur
Embratur predicts record foreign tourism in Brazil in 2023
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