Friday with Elton John and Dua Lipa: unexpected partnership!

by Clare Dominic
Friday with Elton John and Dua Lipa: unexpected partnership!

Friday with Elton John and Dua Lipa: unexpected partnership!
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Sir Elton John doesn't play to lose. This time, the star continues his successful career with singer Dua Lipa. The two, who attended the Elton John Foundation's 29th Annual Academy Awards Viewing Party in April, were already planning their futures in music.

Even though he had to plan his tour that will start in May 2022, John did not settle. The duo began to instigate their fans since last Wednesday (11), when they released a preview of “Cold Heart (Pnau Remix)” on their digital platforms.

“Verified. I’m so excited to finally be able to tell everyone that I have a new single with Dua Lipa ‘Cold Heart (Pnau Remix)’ coming out this Friday! Dua, I adore you, and it was an incredible experience making this together. I can’t wait for you all to hear it!”declared the singer on his Instagram.

“Cold Heart (PNAU Remix)” is finally released on digital platforms (Video: Reproduction/Youtube)

Lipa, in turn, also promoted the song: “Cold Heart featuring @eltonjohn – I’m so excited (@pnaupnau remix). This Friday!!!”he wrote alongside a mini animated video featuring a snippet of the song.

Friday the 13th is not always considered a day of bad omens, proof of this is the expectation that the duo of interpreters caused. On Twitter, the profiles @SiteDuaLipaBR and the @mediacdlbr They published a 10-second retro-style teaser where the singers appear in sketch form that evolves into animated characters proposing a danceable pop song.

“Cold Heart” was produced by dance music specialists, Australian trio PNAU consisting of Nick Littlemore, Peter Mayes and Sam Littlemore. The three previously worked together on the 2012 remix album “Good Morning To The Night” which consists of a collection of songs made from a mix of samples from Elton's early songs.

Mr. Reginald has always been an avowed admirer of singer Dua Lipa and this became even more intense with the success of the album “Future Nostalgia” where the artist makes reference to the 70s and 80s. The singer has already declared himself a fan of the artist and since then, the two have been exchanging invitations to important parties and musical kindnesses.

(Featured photo: Elton John and Dua Lipa. Reproduction/Instagram)

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Friday with Elton John and Dua Lipa: unexpected partnership!

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Friday with Elton John and Dua Lipa: unexpected partnership!

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