How to mute a contact on WhatsApp

by James Williams
How to mute a contact on WhatsApp

How to mute a contact on WhatsApp
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Muting a contact on WhatsApp isn't just for that family group that sends 36 good morning messages, or those 5 different contacts in the same sector of your work. The mute function on WhatsApp is a useful tool that allows users to stop notifications from specific chats or groups for a certain period of time and can be very beneficial for several reasons.

In active groups or conversations that don't require your immediate attention, muting notifications helps avoid constant interruptions. This can increase productivity, especially in work environments or during activities that require concentration.

Muting conversations allows you to better control when and how you interact with messages. You can choose to check messages at more convenient times rather than being interrupted by frequent notifications.

In message-heavy groups, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Muting can help ease the pressure of keeping up with every conversation and decision, allowing you to participate only when you want. You can prioritize conversations that are most relevant or important to you without feeling obligated to immediately respond to every message.

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And a very important reason, follow this tip of mine, which is worth its weight in gold. In situations where conversations may be intense or emotional, muting can help maintain calm and mental clarity, avoiding impulsive reactions to messages that may be provocative.

WhatsApp: how to mute contact

Pay attention to some points when you decide to silence a contact. When you mute a chat, you won't receive notifications of new messages from that chat until you decide to unmute them.

(Image: Shutterstock)

WhatsApp offers options to mute a chat for different periods, usually 8 hours, 1 week or indefinitely. Even with the chat muted, you will still receive messages; they will be stored in the conversation and can be viewed when you open the chat.

Messages still appear in the app icon, but without sound or visual notifications (depending on your device configuration).

The mute function also applies to groups, allowing you to ignore message notifications in group conversations that may be noisy. And at any time, you can unmute and start receiving notifications again. See how to do it in the tutorial below.

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  1. Open WhatsApp on your PC or cell phone

    Access chat and open the conversation of the contact you want to mute. Then tap the contact's name: At the top of the screen, tap the contact's name or number to open the chat information. Select the “Notifications” option.Screenshot for tutorial on how to mute contact on Whatsapp

  2. Mute notification

    Select “Mute notifications”: you will see the “Mute notifications” option. Tap that option.
    Choose duration: select how long you want to silence the chat: 8 hours, 1 week or always (indefinitely).
    After choosing the duration, tap “OK” to confirm.Screenshot for tutorial on how to mute contact on Whatsapp

You can follow the same steps, both on your computer and on your cell phone, which may vary slightly depending on your device's operating system (Android or iOS).

Mute allows you to have more control over your messaging experience, choosing which conversations are most relevant to you at certain times and reducing the amount of notifications you receive.

Differentiation between mute and exit

Muting a chat is not the same as leaving it, you remain part of the conversation and can send and receive messages normally.

How to mute a contact on WhatsApp

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How to mute a contact on WhatsApp

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