? James Cameron on Ecstasy while Writing Terminator 2

by Xavier Catherine
? James Cameron on Ecstasy while Writing Terminator 2

? James Cameron on Ecstasy while Writing Terminator 2
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In an interview with the Ringer website, film director James Cameron said that the idea of ​​showing the protagonist John Connor as a younger man in Terminator 2 came from a hallucinogenic trip from the drug ecstasy and a song by singer Sting. Arnold's classic Schwarzenegger completes 30 years of release, this Friday (2).

“I was sitting there, high on ecstasy, scribbling down some ideas for The Terminator, and a Sting song was playing where he sings, 'I hope the Russians love their children too.'” commented the Hollywood film director.

So I thought, 'You know, he's right. The idea of ​​nuclear war is completely antithetical to life.' That's where the idea came from to show John as a boy.”, continued the director. James also commented that it was Linda Hamilton who had the idea of ​​Sarah Connor being placed in a mental hospital, forcing the protagonist to live in foster homes.

James also stated that the choice of the look of the Villain, T-1000, who becomes a police officer, was not by chance: “It represents when we as human beings become exterminators. When we learn to have no compassion. This is not a film about machines, but about when we become machines.” he concluded.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2 (Reproduction/ Carolco Pictures)

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The franchise of world-dominating cyborgs is still very successful today, and will gain animation on Netflix, with screenwriter Mattson Tomlin, the same one who works on “The Batman” and other productions of the American Streaming company, such as “Power”. Terminator will come in the form of an Anime for Netflix, Mattson will be Co-Executive Producer of the animation. In an interview with “The Hollywood Reporter”, the American is honored to “address the Terminator in an unconventional way that subverts expectations and has courage”

Skydance will be responsible for the production of the anime with Production I.G., responsible for the most recent production of “Ghost in The Shell', will also be responsible for the production of the new series, which has no release date, and it is not known at what point in the franchise the anime about the killer robot franchise will take place.

The Terminator Film Franchise, has 6 films and a Live-action series, between 1984-2019, the last film in the series of feature films created by director James Cameron, was Terminator: Dark Fate, directed by Tim Miller and ignores all sequels since the second film in the franchise, which turns 30 today (2), and is a major milestone in the history of the film series. There is still no further information about the anime that would be produced by Netflix, and which was announced in February 2021.

Featured Photo: James Cameron was on Ecstasy when he wrote the script for Terminator 2 (Reproduction/Carolco Pictures)

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? James Cameron on Ecstasy while Writing Terminator 2

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? James Cameron on Ecstasy while Writing Terminator 2

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