Kate Middleton charmed by a famous actor: the princess watched closely by William, suspicious

Kate Middleton charmed by a famous actor: the princess watched closely by William, suspicious Dailymotion

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A lingering eye… and which made the British laugh a lot! This Wednesday, new photos of Prince William and Kate Middleton at Wimbledon were unveiled in the press. And if we can see the couple and their two eldest (George, 10 years old and Charlotte, 8 years old) greet the guests of the royal gallery, from actor Daniel Craig to Spanish King Felipe VI, it is a snapshot of the Princess of Wales that has the most impact.
Indeed, probably before the match started, Kate Middleton found, sitting just behind her, a British actor whom she seems to appreciate: James Norton, well known across the Channel for his role in the series Grantchester and for some movie appearances. An actor with a pleasant physique, whom she seemed delighted to greet. A little too much perhaps for Prince William … surprised to cast a suspicious glance at his wife and the young man!
A look that did not fail to challenge: would Prince William be a little jealous? If he did not intervene in their discussion, one can wonder! Internet users, moreover, have had a field day. If some have indeed noticed that she “didn’t look so impressed when she met Tom Cruise“, most praised his tastes: “I understand why he likes it“, “he is pretty boy” or “Could we have him like James Bond? Kate seems charmed“, can we read.
James Norton future James Bond?
If he has not yet been cited for the role of the spy, the young man of 37 years old fills all the boxes: British, he is rather tall, blond and muscular and could perfectly play the role. Perhaps he was also able to ask the one who was the figure of James Bond for five films: Daniel Craig, who came with his wife Rachel Weisz, was just above and spent a lot of time chatting with Prince William and his children.
In any case, nothing to panic if you are fans of the royal couple: very happy with their three children, both also greeted … the actress Imogen Poots, the companion of James Norton, present at his side and who was able to enjoy the match with him! Among the other VIPs, we could see Emma Watson, Brad Pitt and his director friend Guy Ritchie or even Tom Hiddleston, Ariana Grande and Andrew Garfield.

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Kate Middleton charmed by a famous actor: the princess watched closely by William, suspicious
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