Luan Santana wrote a romantic song thinking about someone
During podcast interview “PodDelas”, Luan Santana admitted that he composed his next musical release thinking about one person, last Tuesday (19). In the conversation, the singer confessed that he is suffering from love, but that this has yielded good songs.
“Yesterday I made a (song), it was beautiful. I was alone in the early hours of the morning and then I had a beautiful romance”said Luan about his composition process. After his speech, one of the interviewers asked if the singer wrote the lyrics thinking about someone and he confirmed.
The singer is calm when it comes to relationships
The singer also revealed his preference for being in a relationship. Being a calmer person, the singer doesn't worry about getting involved with a lot of people. He also says that after dating for years, he feels a little lazy about going out and meeting new people, as it takes a while to become interested in someone again.
Tata Estaniecki Cocielo, Luan Santana and Bruna Unzueta (Reproduction/Instagram: @poddelas)
When asked where he usually flirts and meets new people, Luan bluntly said that Instagram is one of the best options. “Instagram works well, that’s what it’s good for”comments the singer.
The singer is single
In May this year, Luan Santana ended his engagement with model Izabela Cunha after two years together. The relationship officially began in November 2021, a year after the singer broke up with Jade Magalhães, with whom he spent 12 years together. Luan and Izabela met on social media and were engaged for approximately a year.
In addition to relationships, the singer also opened up about what it's like growing up in front of the cameras. He comments that it is a two-way street, with good and bad sides, and that the lack of freedom to do what he wants has always been very present in his life.
Featured Photo: Luan Santana on podcast “PodDelas”. Reproduction/Instagram: @poddelas
Luan Santana wrote a romantic song thinking about someone
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