Ludmilla delivers a show worthy of Palco Mundo

by Clare Dominic
Ludmilla delivers a show worthy of Palco Mundo

Ludmilla delivers a show worthy of Palco Mundo
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Ludmilla closed the Sunset stage this Sunday (11). It was the singer's first solo show at Rock in Rio, with an eclectic repertoire, the singer brought current hits and even songs from the time when she was called MC Beyoncé. She shed light on issues such as racism and homophobia and also celebrated love with her wife Brunna Gonçalves by singing the hit “Maldivas”. The show also featured the singers Majur, MC Soffia, Tasha, Tracie and Tati Quebra Barraco. The singer also announced a new song “Tic-Tac” with rapper Sean Paul, scheduled for release on September 30.

The Million Show

The singer changed the structure of the Sunset stage and spared no expense, spending R$2 million on changes that ranged from four levels for the musicians to a catwalk leading to the audience. Ludmilla also invested in visual effects with lots of light and color.

Guests at the table

Singers Majur, MC Soffia, Tasha, Tracie and Tati Quebra Barraco join the singer on stage. (Photo: Reproduction/Multishow)

During the show, the singer brought black female funk singers to the stage: Majur, MC Soffia, Tasha, Tracie and Tati Quebra Barraco, the latter of whom drove the audience wild with her timeless hit “Boladona”. Simulating a dinner table, one by one the singers performed.

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Fight against racism and prejudice

Ludmilla brought the issue to light by displaying a series of racist tweets directed at her on the big screen during her performance, without hiding the identity of the authors. In addition, her contingent of musicians and dancers was mostly black. During the show, the singer called her wife Brunna Gonçalves to sing “Maldivas” – written specifically for women – ending with a kiss in front of the entire crowd that came to watch the artist’s show.

Ludmilla and her wife Brunna Gonçalves during a show. (Photo: Reproduction/André Horta/Brazil News)

Sunset Stage had opening by Liniker + Leuedj Luna

The singer opened the show with the song “Antes de tudo” and had hits in her repertoire, such as “Lili”, “nana no meu colo” and “Banho de Folhas”, sung in partnership with guest Leuedj Luna, whom she praised, “One of the greatest composers in Brazil”. During the presentation there was space for political demonstration when Liniker asked the crowd to “vote correctly”.

Tribute to Elza Soares with Power! Elza Lives.

Artists perform a show in honor of Elza Soares. (Photo: Reproduction/Zo Guimarães/UOL)

With Majur, Agnes Nunes, Caio Prado, Mart'nália, Gabi Amarantos and Larissa Luz, the second attraction on the Sunset Stage paid a great tribute to Elza Soares, who passed away at the age of 91. The song “Carne” was chosen to open the show.

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Macy Gray with a great Soul show and even a thrown wig

Third to perform on the Sunset Stage, soul singer Macy Gray didn't seem to mind the smaller-than-usual attendance for the time slot. She paid tribute to Elza Soares on the big screen and even threw her afro wig into the audience – curiously enough, it fell on Brazilian singer Gaby Amarantos. With songs by Radiohead and Rod Stewart – “Creep” and “Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?” respectively – she closed with her own song “I try”, released in 1999.

Favela Stage has a great show by Lexa

Lexa performing on the Favela Stage at Rock in Rio 2022. (Photo: Disclosure/Black Comunicação)

Making her debut on the show, the singer from Rio de Janeiro celebrated funk in her performance. Songs such as “Sapequinha”, “Posso Ser”, “Amor Bandido” and “Bruta”, as well as hits by other artists such as Gloria Groove with “Bonekinha” and “Bandida” by Pablo Vittar. Mc Guimê – the singer's husband – attended the show that got the crowd going.

Featured photo: Ludmilla during a show at Rock in Rio. Reproduction/Instagram

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Ludmilla delivers a show worthy of Palco Mundo

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Ludmilla delivers a show worthy of Palco Mundo

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