Luísa Sonza gets emotional at a tribute show to Rita Lee
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Last Saturday (29), singer Luísa Sonza was moved during her participation in the show “Rita Lee by Beto Lee in Concert”, held in São Paulo. Luísa performed as a special attraction at the invitation of Beto Lee, son of the late singer Rita Lee. The show, which was a special tribute to Rita organized by her son, featured the participation of several artists, both on stage and in the audience.
Luísa Sonza gets emotional
During her performance, Luísa Sonza, a declared fan of Rita Lee, who passed away in May this year due to lung cancer, was moved to tears. The singer had already declared the importance of Rita's work in her life in an interview with the podcast “Rita Lee: Another Autobiography – The Podcast”, produced by Globo in honor of the rocker.
She said that the song “Amor e sexo” was a turning point in her life: “It reminds me of a turning point in my life, of starting to see some conversational visions of where I was raised with less taboo. She taught me from a young age about the things in life”, explained Luísa.
Homage to Rita Lee featured the participation of several artists. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram/@vibrasaopaulo)
Other guests
The tribute also featured performances by Beto Lee, Fernanda Abreu and Débora Reis, who was Rita's backing vocalist for years. In the audience were Roberto de Carvalho, Rita Lee's widower, and Chico Veiga, YouTuber also known as Chico Moedas, Luísa Sonza's current boyfriend. The two began dating in July, after much speculation and kissing photos.
The first show of the “Rita Lee by Beto Lee in Concert” project was held at Virada Cultural, also in São Paulo, shortly after the singer’s death. In an interview with Carta Capital magazine, Beto Lee explains that the show is divided into three phases of the singer's life: Mutantes, Tutti-Frutti and the “era” with Roberto de Carvalho. He also says that it has been difficult not to get emotional, but remembers that his mother didn't like crying: “She was always a party person, celebrating life, making everything lighter.”, said the musician.
Featured photo: Luísa Sonza during her performance at the Rita Lee tribute show. Reproduction/Instagram/@vibrasaopaulo.
Luísa Sonza gets emotional at a tribute show to Rita Lee
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Luísa Sonza gets emotional at a tribute show to Rita Lee