Luiza Martins releases full album “Continua” featuring Maurilio
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Luiza Martins is back with the end of the “Continua” project. The singer presented a project with a very artistically rich repertoire with romantic country music and playing with other rhythms such as bachata and pagode. The final part of the album features four more new tracks, including the track “Continua”, which bears the name of the project, pays homage and features Maurílio (his former country duo partner) and the strong focus track “Discounting Betrayal”.
The repertoire also includes: Ponto Final (feat. Murilo Huff) which already has more than 26 million views, “Coração Traumatizado”, “Desconhecido”, “Cê Não Me Superou” (part. Matheus & Kauan), “No Seu Pensamento ”, “Nota Oficial”, “Agora É Todo Dia”, “Pode Sumir”, “Eu Me Precipitei”, “Parabéns Por Me Perder”, “Imprevisto” and the classic “S De Saudade”.
“Very happy with another stage of this project that was a watershed in my life, my start of my solo career and that I had a very positive result from people, the press and the entire public that has followed me since my career with Maurilio . This addition brings a very beautiful part, my friend and brother Maurilio. He is with me at all times. I feel it”, says Luiza.
It is also worth highlighting that Luiza is participating in Spotify's Equal program, a global and evergreen Spotify program that promotes equity for women in music. The project features a set of EQUAL playlists and similar programs in 35 markets and covering more than 50 countries, from Japan to Argentina, to Poland and the United Kingdom, announced yesterday (14) and which gained strength with records in Time Square in New York, in addition to being present at Camarote Pride, on Avenida Paulista, during the Pride Parade.
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Luiza Martins releases full album “Continua” featuring Maurilio
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Luiza Martins releases full album “Continua” featuring Maurilio