Mc Daniel's dog drowns and singer speaks out after criticism
Mc Daniel came to the networks this Thursday (18) to talk about the death of his puppy, Cléber. The singer reported that the dog passed away two days ago, while Daniel was traveling in Europe. According to him, Cléber learned to open the door of his house to the backyard, pushing with his nose. Imitating his older dog, he approached the pool to drink water, it wasn't full, but because he was small, he drowned when he fell. The dog would have completed a month with Daniel this Thursday (18), the day his death was announced.
An inexplicable pain
Mc has an older dog, Fafazinho. He says he is in love with dogs and that this is a pain “inexplicable”. He also says that only those who love dogs a lot and have them as children know what it's like, who have always loved dogs more than people. And he declares to the puppy: “I love you my son”. He also said that he wanted the dog because he was feeling alone and wanted a true and loyal company.
In his text, he also takes the opportunity to warn animal owners and parents of young children: “I am posting this here with the intention of warning you about how dangerous animals and children are near the pool, and so that you don't feel the pain I'm feeling, of losing someone special, and with a pure heart, who loves you unconditionally”. The singer dedicated his show in Fortaleza, which he would perform on the same day as the announcement, to the deceased dog.
Mc Daniel and Cléber (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@mcdaniell)
He was criticized but he has a new bitch
He was criticized by some followers for the loss of his puppy, some suggested that the singer was irresponsible. Mc Daniel responds that there was no way to save him without being at home and that sometimes he feels like “drop everything” and live only for your family, away from “negativity“.
Daniel has another dog, he asked for her as soon as he found out about Cléber's death and took the opportunity to announce it on his social networks as well: “When I found out, I called the guy who gave me Cléber, and asked if he had any of his brothers there, I introduce you to Regina George”. The dog appears to be the same age as the deceased, Cléber.
Featured Photo: Mc Daniel and Cléber (Reproduction/Instagram/@mcdaniell/Editing by Clarissa Santos)
Mc Daniel's dog drowns and singer speaks out after criticism
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