MC Poze's wife moved almost 10 million in fraudulent raffles in one year

by James Williams
MC Poze's wife moved almost 10 million in fraudulent raffles

MC Poze's wife moved almost 10 million in fraudulent raffles in one year
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This Friday (1st) Viviane Noronha Geovanni, better known as Vivi Noronha and wife of MC Poze, was the target of a Civil Police operation investigating illegal draws promoted on social media.

The investigation found that the influencer made money in May 2022 and 2023 from scams offering cash prizes. According to the police, Vivi used her social network to encourage the purchase of tickets worth R$0.99. The MC's wife also offered additional prizes to her followers who bought more tickets, promising payments via Pix of R$500 and R$100 thousand. Vivi Noronha has around 1.6 million followers on Instagram.

The funk singer's wife also created a reserve profile to continue promoting the draws. In a recent publication, Vivi offered R$500 to followers who liked, commented and shared her posts to expand the reach of her content

The investigation known as Rifa Limpa aims to obtain documents that prove fraud in draws and in the distribution of prizes to the supposedly eligible winners. Vivi's husband, MC Poze do Rodo, was not the target of search and seizure, but is under investigation by the inquiry.

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MC Poze is suspected of helping his wife advertise the draws

According to the Civil Police, MC Poze do Rodo (Marlon Brendon Coelho Couto) is suspected of having helped his wife in publicizing the raffle tickets. Funkeiro published on his Instagram profile, with more than 15 million followers, a video in which he appears raffling off an electric car: the Tesla Cybertruck, valued at R$2 million. Tickets were sold for R$0.99. In addition to the electric vehicle, Poze offered ten cash prizes worth R$100,000 each. On his social profile, the singer said that the winner could choose between receiving the vehicle or the amount of money.

MC Poze was present at the announcement of the electric vehicle. Figures such as Mauro Davi dos Santos, Oruam, son of Trafficker Marcinho and influencer Danielzinho do Grau, who is also facing charges for fraud crimes.

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The investigation shows that Tesla's offer carries a series of irregularities, since there is no documentation proving legitimate ownership of the vehicle and that, in some cases, influencers announced the winner, but delivered the car, even offering in others sweepstakes.

Operation Rifa Limpa puts Poze do Rodo's wife in the middle of the investigation (Video: reproduction/InfoMoney/YouTube)

Search and seizure

On the morning of this Friday (1st), agents from the Fraud Police Station searched Poze and Viviane's house, located in Recreio dos Bandeirantes, in the West Zone of Rio. In total, ten search and seizure warrants were executed. In a video published on his integram profile, the funk singer talks about the investigation and states that only his wife is the target of the operation “I’m not the one indicted, it wasn’t about me. It was about my wife. But as you also know we are super calm, we don't do anything wrong

Still in the publication, MC Poze says that when a “favela” starts making money, it bothers him, but he hopes that the case will be resolved by next week. He concludes the publication by saying that they took his cars, gold and cell phone even though he was not involved and that the case is being resolved with the couple's lawyers

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Featured photo: MC Poze and Vivi Noronha at a wedding ceremony (Reproduction/@pozevidalouca/Instagram)

MC Poze's wife moved almost 10 million in fraudulent raffles in one year

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MC Poze's wife moved almost 10 million in fraudulent raffles in one year

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