Perfect Love: Marê invades school, willing to run away with Marcelino
Upon learning that Gilda (Mariana Ximenes) gained custody of Marcelino (Levi Asaf) Tide (Camila Queiroz) will go into despair and kick the pole of the tent. After listening to a conversation by Júlio (daniel rangel) with Veronica (Ana Cecilia Costa), the hospital administrator will see a copy of the judge’s decision on Marcelino in the lawyer’s hands.
Dissatisfied, Marê collapses in Verônica’s arms: “This can’t be happening! You can’t!” she says.
In a rush, Marê will run towards the street and insist: “This cannot happen!”. Worried, Júlio goes after her, without success. He will then warn Orlando (Diogo Almeida).
On the street, Marê will walk steadily, crying a lot, almost out of her mind. Even I will enter the school, nervous. She will find Leonor (Rose Lima): “Where is Marcelino?” she will ask, distressed.
Leonor will point to the classroom and question why she is out of control, but Marê will not respond and will leave towards the classroom.
Children have fun trying on a hat and will be amazed by Maria Elisa’s entry. Marcelino will understand nothing. Teacher Celeste (Cyda Moreno) ask what happened, but it will also go unanswered. Marê will just look at Marcelino who will run into her arms. “My love!”, the girl will say in a tight hug.
Julio and Orlando will arrive and look at the scene with emotion, aware of the pain that Marê feels. The young woman will continue to cry and promise: “Nothing, nor anyone, will separate us two!”.
The words of the true heiress of the Grand Budapest Hotel will make Marcelino curious and he will ask if Friar Dodói has become ill again. Orlando and Marê will exchange a look.
“It was nothing, no one is sick… Marê just missed you, your hug… isn’t it, Marê?”, disguises the doctor.
Marcelino will be suspicious that something serious has happened. With no escape, Marê, Orlando and Julio will tell Celeste and Leonor about Gilda’s process.
“He was so happy, he even told his classmates that he was going to be adopted by you and Marê”, laments the teacher.
Julio will warn her that this would only harm Marcelino’s case and Orlando concludes that now they need to think about the boy. “If it is a shock for us, imagine how it will be for him”, says the doctor.
Perfect Love: Marê invades school, willing to run away with Marcelino
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