Prince William will represent King Charles III at royal engagement

by James Williams
Prince William will represent King Charles III at royal engagement

Prince William will represent King Charles III at royal engagement
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In charge of representing his father, King Charles, aged 75, Prince William, who is 41 years old, will participate in a very important official engagement, which will bring together 25 world leaders on the beach, Omaha, Saint Laurent sur Mer, in France.

This event will take place in Normandy, northeastern France, in celebration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, which will take place on June 6th, where Prince William will be the United Kingdom's Senior Figure.

Operation Overlord

This event is of great importance, as it is a milestone in the history of France, which in 1944 with the joining of military forces from several Nations, which remembers the also known Operation Overlord. This operation was a Normandy battle of allies who successfully invaded western Europe, which was occupied by the Germans at the time of World War II.

According to the publication of “People” magazine, this Wednesday (29), the replacement of King Charles by Prince William is precisely due to the state of Charles' health, who has been facing cancer. The heir to the throne will probably travel alone, as his wife Kate Middleton, Charles' daughter-in-law, is also facing cancer, and was removed from royal duties with her schedule suspended due to treatment for the disease.

Embed from Getty Images

Princess and Prince of Wales (Photo: reproduction/Getty Images Embed)

King's successor in first event

This event will be one of the first in William's growing role as heir to the throne, building relationships with political leaders around the world, and consequently becoming King Charles' successor.

On this occasion, also in Normandy, Charles will participate in other commitments together with his wife Camilla. They participated in an event that will mark the British memorial, but separately from Prince William.

Featured photo: King Charles III and Prince William take part in the official handover during which the King hands over the role of Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps to the Prince of Wales (Reproduction/Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images Embed)

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Prince William will represent King Charles III at royal engagement

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Prince William will represent King Charles III at royal engagement

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