Serum therapy is advertised as miraculous, but doctors warn of risks

by James Williams
Serum therapy is advertised as miraculous, but doctors warn of

Serum therapy is advertised as miraculous, but doctors warn of risks
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It seems new, but it's not. Serotherapy was developed in 1894 and exists in its essence to this day. Offered as a treatment, there is a health risk warning, as it has been advertised as miraculous.

State deputy Carlos Alexandre (PL) suffered severe poisoning and was hospitalized after applying serum therapy. Inspection is carried out in places where serotherapy treatment is offered, this occurred by the Regional Council of Medicine in São Paulo.

Serotherapy and health risks (Photo: reproduction/Globo/Fantástico)

Various promises

Improves immunity, reduced stress, more energy and beauty in drops, these are the results of serum therapy according to influencers and medical clinics promise with the treatment.
Through vitamin and mineral supplementation, a patient was attracted by advertising that said it was miraculous, and then very excited, she tried it. No type of examination was requested during the consultation prior to treatment. The patient said: “I only got there like a restaurant menu, and then I asked for more hair, more disposition and more beauty, because there is an option that gives a glow to the skin and everything”.

Doctors talk about the benefits and risks of serum therapy (Photo: reproduction/Globo/Fantástico)

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She did more than 10 sessions, and used the serum in such a way that she could do other things and in the end she removed the entire apparatus herself. Tachycardia, high blood pressure spikes, caused her to stop continuing treatment, unlike the state deputy who ended up having organ poisoning after his second section felt discomfort, which led to him being hospitalized urgently. His symptoms were severe headaches and stomach pains.

Ads that attract deceptively

It has been offered indiscriminately in clinics and doctors say it is a health risk warning. In clinics and on the internet, several advertisements were found that claim to bring results, such as a hangover, fatty liver and even dengue fever.

In the inspection carried out by the Regional Council of Medicine in São Paulo, a guarantee of results was even found, which is prohibited, and even a clinic without the mandatory CRM registration and finally none of the clinics that were inspected presented the RQE (quality record of experts).

Featured photo: Doctors talk about Serum Therapy (Reproduction: Globo/Fantástico)

Serum therapy is advertised as miraculous, but doctors warn of risks

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Serum therapy is advertised as miraculous, but doctors warn of risks

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