Terra e Paixão: Aline is shocked by Caio’s secret
In “Terra e Paixão”, Aline (Barbara Reis) already started the soap opera as a good protagonist, that is, suffering a lot and creating that strength to come back on top. With the help of Caio (Cauã Raymond) and Cândida (Susana Vieira), she managed to escape the death planned by Antônio La Selva (Tony Ramos). But what the young lady doesn’t know is that there is a secret behind the story of the villain’s son.
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“His father doesn’t trust him. The stepmother hates him. And the worst: the father blames him because his mother died in childbirth. And he thinks it was the baby’s fault.”
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Aline is shocked by the revelation and asks: “Where have you ever seen a child blamed for his own birth?”.
Realizing that she was moved, Cândida took the opportunity to put her cards on the table: “Aren’t you going to tell me that you have a crush on him?”.
Jussara criticizes Aline. Gladys agrees to grant Aline a leave of absence from the school. Gentil warns Jonatas when he realizes his son’s interest in Aline. Ademir advises Caio to wait for Aline’s mourning to pass, to approach the girl. Cândida warns Aline about Antônio. Lucinda tells Aline that it is not possible for the teacher to enter the cooperative. Jonatas makes Aline happy, saying that the workers decided to do a joint effort to fix her house. Anely tells Lucinda that Aline defended Cristian at school. Jurecê tells Caio that love will open up the destiny of Antônio’s son. Ramiro asks Kelvin to discover the secret between Cândida and Antônio. Angelina is worried when she learns that Daniel is also in love with Aline. Caio kisses Aline.
On May 8, TV Globo premiered the 9 pm telenovela, “Terra e Paixão”, written by Walcyr Carrasco. The plot, which replaced “Travessia”, tells the saga of Aline (Barbara Reis), a strong woman, full of dreams, who faces whatever it takes for the future of her family. In the cast are still: Susana Vieira, Agatha Moreira, Tony Ramos, among others.
Terra e Paixão: Aline is shocked by Caio’s secret
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