Terra e Paixão: Check out the secret backstage revealed by the cast

by Clare Dominic
Terra e Paixão: Check out the secret backstage revealed by

Terra e Paixão: Check out the secret backstage revealed by the cast

Earth and Passion”, on TV Globo, is about to complete two months on the air and the plot of Walcyr Carrasco It’s already on people’s lips. Behind the scenes, the cast has posted several fun moments, between one recording and another.

Speaking of the heartthrob, Cauã, who plays Caio, even published a photo on top of a land plowing car, and said: “Would you accept a ride from Caio?! Later there’s #TerraEPaixão. Tell me what they are enjoying most about the soap opera”.

Cauã Reymond behind the scenes of Terra e Paixão
Cauã Reymond behind the scenes of Terra e Paixão (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @cauareymond)

Already Johnny Massaroresponsible for bringing Daniel to life, praised her co-stars: “A day that begins with Barbara Reis and ends with Agatha Moreira: thanks, ‘Earth and Passion!’ In time, happy Valentine’s Day, for those who have it and for those who don’t (Daniel has two… tsk, tsk)!”.


Gloria Pires even published photos recording with Amaury Lorenzo. The two interpret, respectively, Irene and Ramiro. “This duo…”, she said in the caption, along with a snake emoji.

Gloria Pires and Amaury Lorenzo behind the scenes of Terra e Paixão
Gloria Pires and Amaury Lorenzo behind the scenes of Terra e Paixão (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @gpiresoficial)

Speaking of Lorenzo, he also praised Diego Martins, who co-stars with him as Kelvin: “Hey, Brazil! So enjoying #kelmiro? Alongside this stupendous artist, Diego Martins, we thank you for so much affection and respect for our work! Gratitude! Stay tuned for this beautiful work, made by an incredible team, our telenovela ‘Terra e Paixão!’”.

Amaury Lorenzo and Diego Martins behind the scenes of Terra e Paixão
Amaury Lorenzo and Diego Martins behind the scenes of Terra e Paixão (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @amaurylorenzo)

rainer cadet, who plays the hustler and fake Italian Luigi, appeared in photos with his scene partners: “Look at the 12th, people, the famous #Valentine’s Day. There are people who are single, but I know that Luigi will have to multiply in many today hahaha. Comment who you think Luigi should spend this Valentine’s Day with!”

Incidentally, he appeared in the backstage of a scene shared by Tata Werneck, who plays Anely, Luigi’s partner in the plots: “Backstage of the Pole Dance scene. Directed by my beloved friend Felipe Herzog! Thank you Walcyr Carrasco for believing I could do it. Unfortunately I couldn’t and we called a stuntwoman. Who is amazing by the way (anyone have her @?) Thanks for the videos Charles Fricks and my beloved co-star Rainer Cadete”.

On May 8, TV Globo premiered the 9 pm telenovela, “Terra e Paixão”, written by Walcyr Carrasco. The plot, which replaced “Travessia”, tells the saga of Aline (Barbara Reis), a strong woman, full of dreams, who faces whatever it takes for the future of her family. In the cast are still: Susana Vieira, Agatha Moreira, Tony Ramos, among others.

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Terra e Paixão: Check out the secret backstage revealed by the cast

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#Terra #Paixão #Check #secret #backstage #revealed #cast

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