The Last of Us, Wii Sports and Barbie enter the Gaming Hall of Fame

The Video Game Hall of Fame has announced its new members, adding The Last of Us, Wii Sports, Barbie Fashion Designer and Computer Space to its growing list of classic and memorable games.
As explained in site Hall of Famers, games are chosen by journalists, scholars and other individuals who help judge a game’s importance to the industry as a whole.
The Last of Us and Wii Sports are the two obvious picks on the list given their influence and popularity, while Barbie Fashion Desginer and Computer Space were chosen after further research into them.
Computer Space, for example, was the first commercial game and proved that games could reach an audience abroad. Speaking of Barbie Fashion Designer, it became a starting point for girls to engage with games, being aimed specifically at them and selling over 500,000 copies in two months. It also broke new ground by bridging the gap between the digital and the physical, allowing players to create clothes for their Barbie dolls and print them on special fabrics.
The Last of Us, Wii Sports and Barbie enter the Gaming Hall of Fame
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