Thousands of people remain without power in São Paulo after heavy rain
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This Sunday (03), more than 15 thousand people in São Paulo and municipalities in Greater São Paulo São Paulo remain without electricity due to heavy rains that caused serious disruption in the region. Some areas have been without power for more than 18 hours, affecting homes and services and mobilizing teams for complete restoration.
Restoration of energy to customers in São Paulo (Video: reproduction/Youtube/Brasil Urgente)
A balance released by the concessionaire around 10 am this Sunday showed that 0.19% of the units in the total concession area are still without power. The majority of those affected are in the capital of São Paulo, where 12,610 people remain without electricity. In percentage terms, Pirapora do Bom Jesus was the municipality most affected, with 2.34% of customers still without energy supply.
Enel confirmed the restoration of electricity in several municipalities in Greater São Paulo and the metropolitan region, although in some places the service is still being normalized. In Barueri, 289 customers had the supply reestablishedwhile in Cajamar there were 5 and in Carapicuíba, 177. In Cotia, 27 customers had power again, followed by 67 in Diadema, 9 in Embu das Artes and 11 in Embu-Guaçu.
Itapecerica da Serra had 754 restorations, and Itapevi, with 129. In Jandira, there were only 3 cases resolved, and in Juquitiba, 17. Mauá saw 11 power points restored, and Osasco, one of the most affected cities, recorded 938 restorations. Pirapora do Bom Jesus had 201 reconnections, Ribeirão Pires, 7, and Rio Grande da Serra, 6.
In municipalities such as Santana de Parnaíba and Santo André, the numbers were 21 and 268, respectively, while São Bernardo do Campo recorded 163. In São Caetano do Sul, São Lourenço da Serra and Taboão da Serra, supply is now completely normalized. São Paulo, the capital, had a significant number of reconnections, with 12,610 customers served.
Featured Photo: Company that supplies energy to customers in São Paulo (Reproduction/Getty Images Embed/NurPhoto)
Thousands of people remain without power in São Paulo after heavy rain
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Thousands of people remain without power in São Paulo after heavy rain