Tiago Iorc returns to the music scene with new video and visual

by Clare Dominic
Tiago Iorc returns to the music scene with new video

Tiago Iorc returns to the music scene with new video and visual
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After more than a year of total disappearance in the digital world, Tiago Iorc reappeared by surprise, bringing the beginning of a new musical era, linked to a radical change in his look. “Masculinity” arrived alongside his music video, where Iorc, now with his hair shaved, sings about the toxic and limiting layers of “male virility”.

Official cover of “Masculinidade” (Photo: Reproduction/Twitter)

Unexpectedly made available, “Masculinity” is Tiago's first solo single since June 2020. The music video was directed by Rafael Trindade and the artist himself, and was recorded a few days ago, on November 2nd. Trindade and Tiago's partnership is not new to their fans. The director signed the visual album with him “Reconstruction”2019.

In his new song, the singer talks about the constraints of toxic masculinity that are rooted in society, from the way he acts to the way he is seen. “I make sure not to be too sensitive. Man doesn't cry, man this and that. I learned to be indestructible. I'm not real. Talking to my friends, I understood that it's not just me. Keeping fragility silent is punishment.”says an excerpt from the song.

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Watch the video for “Masculinidade” (Reproduction/YouTube)

“Masculinity” He also makes analogies to his own career: “I was in the mood to disappear. Money, fame, everything sorted. I pretended not to but actually I care. I thought I was really cool. I wanted to be unanimous. I wanted to prove my virility. I doubted my validity, in virtual insanity.”

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His return also stirred social media, both his own and the public. Iorc deleted all past publications from his Instagram feed and published a preview of his new video, changed his biography, profile photo and published another with his new look. “Masculinity” is already on all music apps! And the clip is on YouTube! And I'm bald! And I missed you! ♥️”, he wrote in the caption. Her name quickly rose to the trending topics on Twitter.

Featured photo: Tiago Iorc with his new look. Reproduction/Instagram

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Tiago Iorc returns to the music scene with new video and visual

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Tiago Iorc returns to the music scene with new video and visual

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