Wesley Safadão records DVD in the Bahamas with new songs
Wesley Safadão took the stage to record his second international project, the DVD “WS Bahamas”, last Tuesday (11th), with the participation of Eric Land and Michele Andrade, artists from Camarote Shows.
“I usually say that it is necessary to do more than what is agreed, because everyone does what is agreed, I even spent about 5 minutes of what I could there. It was beautiful to see the crowd singing and participating in another accomplishment in my life”.

Among the songs on the DVD, “Ex que fala mal”, “Primeira Transa”, “I’m going to start not being good”, “Posição that woman likes”, “Vingativa”, “Nobody knows”, “Pior que eu” and “Rua ”, track that will be available on the artist’s official YouTube and audio platforms, this Friday (13).
On the same day, also at Ocean Cay, Zé Neto & Cristiano released their voices for approximately 1 hour and made the crowd sing “Oi Balde”, a recent success of the duo, very loud.
Right after the presentations, the passengers returned to the ship to get ready and enjoy the white party with EME DJ, Léo Santana and Eric Land.

Wesley Safadão records DVD in the Bahamas with new songs
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