WHO asks China to disclose data on the origin of Covid-19
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This Monday (30), the WHO released a note in which it asked China for data on the origin of the virus that spread throughout the world and generated a global pandemic that isolated all countries. The virus began circulating at the end of 2019 in Wuhan, China, but it was only in 2020 that it was given due importance.
In the note, the WHO emphasizes that the transparency of such data serves to promote cooperation between countries and will help prevent and stop future epidemics and pandemics.
Suspicions about the origin of Covid-19
Although some scientists defend the theory that the virus emerged naturally among animals and humans, through the consumption of exotic meats, it is believed that the virus emerged in a laboratory in Wuhan and escaped during handling. At the beginning of the pandemic, before they were sure what was happening, the World Health Organization in China received information that the city of Wuhan was experiencing a case of “Viral Pneumonia”. Given the information, the organization immediately began working on analyzing the scenario. Officials activated emergency systems on January 1, 2020 and, three days later, passed the information on to other countries.
Victims of Covid-19
In May 2023, three years after the chaotic scenario that spread across the planet, the World Health Organization declared that the Covid-19 pandemic was no longer a global health emergency.
WHO declares end of the global state of emergency caused by covid-19 (Video reproduction/YouTube/@jornaldaRecord)
However, before this fact, the Covid-19 virus was responsible for approximately 13 million deaths worldwide. In Brazil alone, the virus caused more than 700,000 victims, regardless of color, race, ethnicity, sex or social class. Among the famous victims, we have several artists such as Paulo Gustavo, Agnaldo Timóteo, João Acaíbe and Nicette Bruno, among others.
Featured photo: Central Public Health Laboratory (Reproduction/Renato Araújo/Agência Brasília)
WHO asks China to disclose data on the origin of Covid-19
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WHO asks China to disclose data on the origin of Covid-19