Why did The Super Fantastic Story of the Balloon become the target of revolt?
A few days ago, Star+ made available in its catalog the documentary series “The Superfantastic History of the Balloon”. The product tells the entire trajectory of the children’s group A Turma do Balão Mágico, which revolutionized Brazilian music in the 1980s.
It is worth noting that, at the beginning of each episode, Star+ displays the following words: “This documentary production includes opinions of the participants whose content is the sole responsibility of their authors and does not reflect the position of this platform. Other people were sought out to be interviewed and tell their stories, but either decided not to participate or could not be found.”
Simony herself even used social media to lament and demonstrate total irritation at what was shown.
“I promise that I will give my opinion on the documentary, I confess that many lines disappointed me, that people were scorned. Testimonials from people who never lived with me. That director that until then I had the greatest affection for, because my mother shielded me from the horrible things he did to us…”, confessed the singer.
“Unfortunately my uncles and grandfather are no longer here to defend themselves. I apologize to you, I did not know that from such a beautiful story they would do this, ”she continued.

In the first scene, the documentary shows Mike, Tob, Simony and Jairzinho commenting on their lives.
Mike starts: “I’m the son of a stripper and a train robber”. Tob reckons, “I wanted to be a little invisible.”
Simony comes next: “I became the most famous child in Brazil” and Jairzinho adds: “At the time, (the Balloon) was something like: ‘Man, how cool’”
Different Brazilian personalities like the actor and director Lazaro Ramos, Fabio Jr., Pepeu Gomes, Raul Gil, in addition to the main quartet, are among the interviewees. The audience sees the current reunion of Simony, Tob, Mike and Jairzinho.
Raul Gil even stated: “I opened the doors for Balão Mágico. On TV, no one casts anyone. I opened the doors. Simony was in tune and she had a wonderful ear.”
“A Superfantástica História do Balão” has three episodes and brings together for the first time the four members of Balão Mágico, Vimerson Cavanillas (known as Tob) Michael Biggs (Mike), Jair Oliveira (Jairzinho) and Simony.

The documentary brings shocking revelations about the children’s group, involving drugs, sex and exploitation. Mike, the youngest, said he didn’t have many friends at the time and enjoyed hanging out with friends of his father, who was an international criminal. With that, he said that he even abused alcohol, marijuana and sex while he was still in the Magic Balloon.
In addition, the series brought up the divergence of salaries between the members. Mike reported the exploitation after changing management, with many shows on the same day and over 12 hours of television footage. Simony said she doesn’t remember being exploited. The other three members also stated that she received more than they did.
The work has a script by Fernando Ceylão (“Zorra Total”) and Beatriz Monteiro (“Caso Evandro”), and general direction by Tatiana Issa (“Brutal Pact: The Assassination of Daniela Perez”).
The documentary still raises questions about the stars’ fees. Simony was ‘accused’ of receiving more.
“We worked like workhorses. A lot of money was rolled in..a lot of money was stolen”, said Tob, commenting on the change of managers.
Another striking moment is that of talking about rumors at the time about pacts with the devil to achieve success. Or the absurdity that Fofão’s toy had a knife inside.
“I don’t believe in those things you make a pact of. Xuxa made a pact. Anitta made a pact”, said Rita Cadillac.
In the documentary, Simony’s cousin, Luciana Benelli, also gave her testimony. The girl entered the program in 1983 to replace her cousin Simony, who had chickenpox. But stories of disagreements about them were told.

Jairzinho even recalled the ‘harshness’ with which they were treated.
“We had to memorize the text, know where we would have to be. It was a big responsibility,” said the singer.
Tob said: “That responsibility really moved me. I think that’s why I still have a certain fear…. I remember…once…I had to do something with Fofão and I couldn’t get the scene right. Repeat, repeat. The time has come that pow! He took the mask, threw it on the floor and walked away. That day was very boring. I felt bad…”
Tob, by the way, even spoke of his departure from the group in a very sad way.
“This spine problem was very intense and did not go away. It lasted a long time, many years. Every kind of medicine I had I took. The purpose of the medicine was to make all the pimples come out, and then it healed. Only, in my case, they came out and became inflamed. I don’t know if it’s because I itched, I don’t know what happened. It started to turn into living flesh. I couldn’t leave the room, I couldn’t see the light, not even sunlight. I started going into a depression,” she said.
In the third episode, Simony commented on her departure from Balão and Ticiane Pinheiro’s entry into the program.
“I was so tired, so stressed and Jair and that girl were there, Ticiane if I’m not mistaken”, she said.
Ticiane even said: “I wanted to be Simony at the time. I thought it was the best. I wanted people to think I looked like her.”
The hiring of Xuxa on TV Globo and the departure of Balão Mágico was also portrayed.
“Simon felt it…because Angélica, Xuxa came…and she was no longer there. Jair felt less, I think. And, when the Magic Balloon ended, if I didn’t have great strength, I think I would die”, said Castrinho.
Mara Maravilha also participates in the documentary, but to criticize Simony.
“My relationship with her has thorns. She was on a podcast recently and she gave me a ten as a host and a zero as a human being,” said Mara.
Why did The Super Fantastic Story of the Balloon become the target of revolt?
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