After trying to invade the Vatican with a car at high speed, a man is arrested
An inspector from the Vatican gendarmerie ended up shooting at the car’s tires, but was unable to stop him. An alert had to be issued and other accesses to the Vatican were closed.
The vehicle managed to reach the courtyard of San Damaso, where the man got out of the vehicle alone and was controlled by the gendarmerie. He ended up undergoing a medical evaluation, which revealed a serious psychophysical alteration. The man did not go near the guest house, where Pope Francis lives.
The man is about 40 years old, he is imprisoned in the Vatican, at the disposal of the judicial authorities.
A Swiss guard guards the door of Santa Ana, in the Vatican (Photo: Reproduction / Andrew Medichini)
The man was identified by the local authorities, his name is Simone Baldovino, he is Italian and he is 40 years old.
Baldovino has a criminal record for crimes related to drugs, he is still being held at the headquarters of the Vatican Gendarmerie.
The Vatican, and officially the Vatican City State, is a sovereign state that houses the headquarters of the Catholic Church, with the Pope as its ultimate authority. The Vatican City was created in 1929 through the Lateran Treaty, which ended up determining the establishment of a territory over which the Catholic Church would be sovereign.
It is located in Rome, Italy, which is home to the headquarters of the Catholic Church, is considered the smallest country in the world. Its current population is approximately 800 inhabitants. Vatican residents are clergy or employees of the Catholic Church and operate both in Vatican City and in Church buildings present in Rome.
Featured Photo: Vatican City, Holy See (Photo: Reproduction/ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP)
After trying to invade the Vatican with a car at high speed, a man is arrested
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