Fuzuê: Nathalia Timberg, aged 93, will have a decisive character in the plot
Away from soap operas since a participation in “A Dona do Pedaço” (2019), Natalia Timberg will join the cast of “Fuzuê”. The 93-year-old veteran will be on the next 7 pm soap opera with an important mission.
The character will have the function of explaining the past of others and will appear in flashbacks throughout the story of Gustavo Reiz with direction of Fabricio Mamberti.
The plot will have 178 chapters. Scenes have already been recorded in Lapa, Copacabana and Leme, districts of Zoa Sul in Rio de Janeiro. Scenes outside the scenographic city are also planned, which, in the soap opera, will take place in Paraty, a city on the Costa Verde in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
- “Fuzuê” will have as main character Luna (Giovana Cordeiro), a young saleswoman who works in downtown Rio de Janeiro;
- She is looking for her mother, the singer Maria Navalha (Olivia Araújo), missing for many years;
- In her search, the girl will meet a lawyer, with whom she falls in love;
- He is looking for a treasure buried under a commercial building in Rio de Janeiro;
- The villain of the story, Precious (Marina Ruy Barbosa), owns a chain of jewelry stores and is the daughter of Cesar Montebello (Leopoldo Pacheco), a great explorer of ores, also has his eye on the treasure;
- She is married to a politician, who will be part of the comic core of the plot.
The cast of Fuzuê also has Edson Celulari in the role of Nero Braga, the owner of the shop where the soap opera takes place. He is the father of Miguel (Nicolas Prattes), a young man who discovers that the building where his father’s business is located houses a treasure. Micael Borges plays Jefinho, a country singer who gets involved with Luna.
Lilia Cabral, Dira Paes, Fernanda Rodrigues, Juliano Cazarre, Douglas Silva, Felipe SimasJessica Córes, Pedro Carvalho, Bia Montez, Walkiria Ribeiro, Guil Anacleto, Heslaine Vieira, Noemia Oliveira, Ruan Aguiar, Bruno de Mello, Danilo Maia, Cinara Leal, deo garcezClayton Nascimento and Micael Borges are also in the cast.
“Fuzuê” is created and written by Gustavo Reiz, with artistic direction by Fabricio Mamberti. The work was written in collaboration with João Brandão, Juliana Peres and Michel Carvalho, and was directed by Adriano Melo and directed by Bernardo Sá, Nathalia Ribas and Glenda Nicácio. Production is by Gustavo Rebelo and genre direction by José Luiz Villamarim.
Fuzuê: Nathalia Timberg, aged 93, will have a decisive character in the plot
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