Elizabeth Banks on Catwoman: Maybe One Day
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North American actress and director Elizabeth Banks, best known for her roles in the films “Spider-Man”, “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” and “Power Rangers”, revealed to Variety that she has already proposed a “Cat Woman” film. Even though she is close to James Gunn, with whom she worked on “Creeping Things” and who is currently one of the Presidents of DC Studios, she does not feel that she has room for her project there: “But who knows, maybe one day” she said.
Elizabeth, who also offered to direct the Marvel film “Thor: Ragnarok”, told Variety that she sent a pich to the studio, but “Nothing happened. Nobody called me. Taika Waititi got the job, and with reason“, concluded.
Elizabeth Banks. (Photo: Reproduction/CineBuzz)
Changing her stage name so as not to be confused with the actress Elizabeth Mitchell, in 1998 she debuted in her artistic career using the name Elizabeth Casey in the film “Surrender Dorothy”, which was a low-budget and independent production. Even though the character's story was only highlighted in the first two books, the artist, like Effie Trinket, participated in all the films in the “Hunger Games” franchise. And it doesn't stop there, she was in the film “Unbroken” as the love interest of the character played by Mark Wahlberg and also appeared in the last episode of the fifth season of an NBC series.
In 2009, she launched herself as a producer with the film “Surrogates”. In 2012, it was the turn of “Pitch Perfect” and then all the other films in the franchise.
Her next project as director is the film “The White Powder Bear”, the comedy will star Ray Liotta, Keri Russell, Alden Ehrenreich It is Margo Martindale. The story is inspired by the real case of the bear, who found around 80 kg of cocaine in the forest in 1980 and overdosed.
The film is scheduled to premiere on February 24th in cinemas.
Elizabeth Banks on Catwoman: Maybe One Day
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Elizabeth Banks on Catwoman: Maybe One Day