Healthy and balanced romantic relationship: The signs

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Healthy and balanced romantic relationship
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Healthy and balanced romantic relationship

It’s been a while now since you met him and you feel good about this relationship. You have the impression that everything is going well and that this feeling is shared. However you can’t help but wonder if everything is as beautiful as you hope. Several questions revolve in your head and in the end you come to wonder if your relationship is healthy. To reassure you, here are 5 signs that prove that you are in a healthy and balanced romantic relationship.


Healthy and balanced romantic relationship: Signs that do not deceive

Healthy and balanced romantic relationship

#1 In a healthy and balanced romantic relationship, you are both yourselves

This is the sign that does not deceive! If you feel natural with him, that you feel like you can be yourself at any time it is that your relationship is healthy. Indeed to have confidence and feel serene in your relationship you each need to be yourself. It is obvious that playing a role or trying to look like someone else will not help because it will weigh you down at some point. The condition for a healthy romantic relationship is therefore first of all to feel good with oneself so that one can write a beautiful story together.

#2 You are on the same wavelength

For a relationship to be healthy and have a future, you have to say things to yourself openly. By doing so you will know very quickly if you are on the same wavelength. So that’s what you did and you feel today the fact that you’re on the same wavelength as him. You have the same desires or even already the same plans for the future. Of course, you can’t program your life at every moment, but you have the same goals. In addition, you do not give up your dreams and desires to be with your partner, on the contrary, you look in the same direction, it is happiness!

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#3 You communicate easily: proof of a healthy and balanced romantic relationship

It can’t be said often enough, communication is the basis of a healthy couple. If you do not dare to indulge in your positive or negative feelings, your couple will not consolidate. You must be able to indulge in any subject, express your fears and give your opinion. No one can agree on all subjects, the important thing is to be able to communicate freely and give their point of view by exchanging with the other. If your relationship works like this it is a sign that your relationship is healthy.

2 other signs that prove that your romantic relationship is healthy.

Healthy and balanced romantic relationship

#4 You accept the faults of the other

signs that your romantic relationship is healthy

No one is perfect, as we all know! Everyone has his faults and in a couple it is very important to respect the person as he is and not to seek to change him. You fell in love with him as he was! What is important, therefore, is to knowthe extent of the concessions and to accept the defects of the other. The solution to manage them, see them support, on a daily basis and to relativize and again and again to communicate. Love your partner as he is but without accepting everything of course. It is by doing so that we develop a healthy romantic relationship.

#5 You want to share everything with him: absolute sign of a healthy and balanced romantic relationship

Whether it’s to go out, travel, walk, you want to share everything with him. You want to discover it and get to know it more and more. Of course your goal is not to fall into a suffocating relationship for him as well as for you. You respect its secret garden and you also protect your own. This is quite normal and this is what is healthy for a couple. You feel so good with him that you just want to spend a lot of time with him and not just the routine of a daily life too fast.

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