Evanescence Reveals New Virtual Show: Don't Miss It!
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This year 2020 we had quite a comeback from the band Evanescence and with it a new album full of news. In addition to the new songs, it was also announced that the band will perform a virtual show. However, this same show was scheduled for the month of October, but ended up being postponed and until then the new date had not been revealed. As of this week, the virtual show is scheduled for December 4th.
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The show will not be available free of charge to the public. Prices start at US$10, approximately 54 reais. However, for fans who decide to buy tickets in December the price will be higher, but the increase in the fee has not yet been announced. The singles that were previously released are part of the group's new album The Bitter Truth. Being them Wasted on you, Use My voice and The Game is Overan album that does not have a release date, but everything indicates that it will be released later this year.
Enjoy and check out the latest singles released by the band below:
(Video: Reproduction/ YouTube)
The song above was originally released 3 months ago, however, this more acoustic version of Use My Voice was posted yesterday on the band's official channel. The recording was done in the studio Rock Falcon respecting the distance between band members.
Details about the show have not yet been specified, such as new features on the album or new tracks. But yes, we can expect something special, even more so with the sudden return. Furthermore, the show will be broadcast at 6 pm, but fortunately the recording will be available from December 8th. Above all, we can expect for this show both Evanescence's most famous classics and new tracks that have already surprised fans a lot.
(Featured Photo: Evanescence, “The Bitter Truth” album cover. Reproduction/Instagram)
Evanescence Reveals New Virtual Show: Don't Miss It!
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Evanescence Reveals New Virtual Show: Don't Miss It!