Have you heard of Gemini extensions? Learn how to make Google's chatbot smarter than ChatGPT

by James Williams
Have you heard of Gemini extensions? Learn how to make

Have you heard of Gemini extensions? Learn how to make Google's chatbot smarter than ChatGPT
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The Gemini chatbot is a Google invention powered by artificial intelligence, which receives and executes commands through a chat. After the launch of one of the largest chatbots in the world, ChatGPT, many companies tried to develop something similar. In this sense, Google created its own version of a chatbot and inserted different types of extensions to make the AI ​​even smarter.

Extensions are software that add extra functionality to another pre-existing program. In the case of Gemini, in addition to the AI ​​searching the web to answer your questions and execute commands, the service combines the features of other websites (YouTube, Google Flights, WorkSpace, etc.) with the chat. Below, see how to make Gemini smarter than ChatGPT.

Table of Contents

What are Gemini Chatbot Extensions?

Extensions are nothing more than software, developed to add more functionality to other programs when installed. A good example is Adblocks: since browsers do not usually have a standalone feature to block ads, those who install Adblocks in the browser add to it the function of rejecting any advertising.

image shows gemini extensions/apps inside the chatbot
Gemini Extensions (Reproduction: Google)

In the case of Gemini, the extensions made available by Google allow the chatbot's artificial intelligence to offer a greater level of interactivity with the user, in order to provide even more personalized responses.

For example, if you receive a lot of emails, you can ask Gemini to summarize all the emails you receive in your inbox, separate the messages by topic, and request that each summary be linked to the email address of the person who sent the messages. This is possible because if the Gmail account in your Gemini profile is the same one where you received the messages you want to summarize, the AI ​​accesses the data and provides the summary.

Similar to how this command works in Gmail, you can connect Gemini AI to other Google-owned sites like Workspace, YouTube, YouTube Music, etc.

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Here's how to make Gemini smarter than ChatGPT

The first thing you need to do is check if these extensions are already activated. To do this, access Gemini and go to Settings > Extensions. Scroll down and see which ones are activated: you can enable or disable them whenever you want. Finally, make sure that your files are connected to the same Gmail account that was used to access Gemini.

Image: Tada Images/Shutterstock

Now, just use your creativity to explore the extensions and make Gemini bring you smarter, more accurate and personalized content than ChatGPT. Check out the possible uses for each one:

  • Workspace: For those who have numerous files in Drive, for example, you can ask the AI ​​to tell you the exact location of a document, what is written in it, request a summary or improvements, etc. You can also request a summary of emails or ask direct questions, such as “What did person X say in the email I received yesterday at 11 pm? Please summarize it”;
  • Google Flights: Google Flights is a website that is constantly accessed by many people around the world to find the best hotel reservations and airline tickets available. In the Gemini chat, you can do everything at once in one place and even use more specific commands, such as “Find a flight from São Paulo to Cape Town on October 23rd in the late afternoon, that has only 1 stop, is not on the weekend and costs less than 8 thousand reais. Add reservations at a 3-star hotel in the city center with air conditioning”;
  • Google Maps: With this extension, you can save a lot of time searching the web. It can offer commands ranging from simple to more complex, such as “Recommend the best-rated and cheapest kimchi restaurant in Seoul and a selection of hotels within walking distance”;
  • YouTube: It can be very difficult to find videos on YouTube when you don't remember the name of the channel that posted it or the name of the person presenting the content, but with this extension, the search becomes more interactive, since you can provide details about what the video is about to improve the search.
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Have you heard of Gemini extensions? Learn how to make Google's chatbot smarter than ChatGPT

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Have you heard of Gemini extensions? Learn how to make Google's chatbot smarter than ChatGPT

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