Hotel Launch: Love and Overcoming!

by Clare Dominic
Hotel Launch: Love and Overcoming!

Hotel Launch: Love and Overcoming!
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The band Hotelo formed in 2013 by Deco Martins (vocalist), Conrado Banks (bass/backing vocals), Julinho Pettermann (guitar/backing vocals) and Tito Caviglia (guitar), released, this Friday (11), his new album titled “Beginning, middle and end”, which talks about love and overcoming. In addition to the album, the group also released the music video for the track “Coladin”.

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The new clip features Grandpa TikTokers as protagonists and the band, in an interview with the magazine Whotalked a little about the releases: “We see TikTok as a new showcase. We wanted to bring a couple of the best age to participate in this clip. It's proof that there is no age for love, it's the subject of the song… This thing about let's live together forever. Nothing better than representing this with the TikTok Grandpas who have been married for many years”explains Deco Martins.

Watch the clip “Coladin”, from the band Hotelo. (Reproduction/YouTube)

The new album has 12 tracks, among them, “Bigger Than Us”with a special participation by singer Vitor Kley, and brings the group's musical maturity. “We were very clownish, we were a little more serious. Musically it's very mature and we really knew what we wanted to do and say. There's less experimentation, searching for new paths. We were able to feel in those previous years what we wanted to play. This Firmness in the musical part is the result of a lot of maturity”says Tito.


Publicity photo for the clip “Coladin”, from the band Hotelo. (Disclosure/Instagram)

Guitarist Julinho says that the band wanted to bring a message of overcoming in the songs: “All the songs at the end are based on our stories. It was a great opportunity to be able to put that out there and bring more serious songs to our work, which most of the time is very happy. We want to bring a message of overcoming. When a relationship ends, it doesn't necessarily mean that it was bad. You can learn good things or not from that person. The album ends in a happy way, leaving for another, but with baggage.”he says.

Banda Hotelo

Hotel Band. (Reproduction/Instagram)

The band's last album, released in 2018, was “Astrology chart”with 12 songs about the signs of the zodiac and, each one, with special participation, such as: Atitude 67, Pedro Calais (Lagum), Dinho Ouro Preto, Vitória Falcão (Anavitória), Jade Baraldo, Ana Caetano (Anavitória), and many others.

(Featured photo: Banda Hotelo. Reproduction/Instagram)

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Hotel Launch: Love and Overcoming!

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Hotel Launch: Love and Overcoming!

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