In Portugal, singer receives platinum record for sales of album Pirata
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Platinum record is awarded to singer Jão in Portugal, for the 10,000 units of “Idiota” sold in the country. João Vitor Romania Balbino, known by his stage name Jão, is in Portugal for four performances of his “Pirata” tour and was surprised when he was appearing on Rádio Comercial. The Brazilian composer had the pleasant surprise of receiving a large plaque for the sales of “Idiota” in Portugal. The sign features the album's aesthetic, with a blue background and red letters.
The song that is part of his most recent album “Pirata” is an unquestionable success, in Brazil and abroad. Overcoming boundaries with his music, his visit to Lusitanian land can now be considered another great achievement in his career, as all tickets are sold out. This repeats what happened in Brazil, with crowded shows requiring extra presentations in some locations.
Jão is overcoming borders with his music, taking his show outside Brazil for the first time. THE playlist from their show contains songs from the recent album, “Idiot”, “Holy”, “Boys and Girls” and “Joker”, in addition to previous career hits such as, “I made this one for our love“, “I will die alone“, “THE Road” among others, which provide an exchange of contagious energy with the dancing and singing audience. It is worth mentioning that the album was awarded in the Album of the Year category at MTV MIAW 2022.
Jão with MTV MIAW 2022 award (Reproduction/Instagram)
The delivery of the platinum record is more than deserved and consolidates the young composer's career in the opinion of his thousands of fans called “Lobos”, the name of his first compact disc which, for Jão, is a symbol of freedom.
His achievements don't stop there, recently his three albums, “Lobos” 2018, “Anti-Herói” 2019 and “Pirata” 2021, reached over 100M hits, shortly after the last one surpassed 100 million hits streams on the platform, being the ninth largest on Spotify Brazil.
Featured Photo: Jão Brasil (@sitejaobrasil) Reproduction/Twitter.
In Portugal, singer receives platinum record for sales of album Pirata
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In Portugal, singer receives platinum record for sales of album Pirata