KC-30 plane leaves this Saturday with Brazilians from the territory in Lebanon
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This Saturday (5), the first plane that will bring Brazilians who were in Lebanon left today heading towards Brazil. These planes were sent by the FAB to repatriate Brazilians from Lebanon.
These measures are being taken as a result of the conflicts taking place between Lebanon and Israel. To prevent anything from happening to these people, KC-30 planes were sent to bring them to their country of origin.
Landing of the FAB plane (Video: reproduction/Youtube/Uol)
The air force informed that the first plane that will repatriate Brazilians was supposed to leave on Friday, but was changed to leave this Saturday to land at Beirut airport. Palácio do Planalto reported that the plane was delayed due to having to make additional security adjustments to the plane's exchange rates.
The announced forecast was that the first would leave on Thursday and arrive in Beirut on Friday, with a forecast to land in São Paulo. The plane is in Lisbon awaiting authorization to take off and land in Beirut, as so far that region is experiencing many attacks.
Air force note
The air force informed in a statement that everyone included on the flight is being advised to head to the capital's airport so they can board as soon as the plane arrives at Beirut airport. The Brazilian Government also emphasizes the importance of them following the guidelines of the Beirut and local authorities as well. The KC −30 model plane left Galeão airport, in Rio de Janeiro, at 0:47 am and is seeking to bring around 220 Brazilians.
In addition to the pilots, health professionals will also be accompanied: a doctor, nurse and psychologist to help in this mission, which was named after “Cedar Roots”.
Featured Photo: KC-30 model plane flying overhead (Reproduction/Getty Images Embed/Handout)
KC-30 plane leaves this Saturday with Brazilians from the territory in Lebanon
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KC-30 plane leaves this Saturday with Brazilians from the territory in Lebanon