Leptospirosis deaths increase in RS
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The State Department of Health (SES) from the state of Rio Grande do South confirmed on Wednesday the 29th, that two more deaths were recorded due to leptospirosis, from a 59-year-old resident of the city of Canoas and a 56-year-old resident from Porto Alegre. Deaths will occur on days 2May 1 and 23, respectively.
With two more deaths confirmed by leptospirosisbacterial disease transmitted by urine dand animals, the number of validated deaths rose to seven.
Due to rising water levels, many residents need to wade through flood waters to get around. The large floods that happened in the state are the biggest reason why cases of the infectious disease are so high. According to information from CNN, there are already around 2,327 cases of contagion reported.
To date, seven deaths have been confirmed in RS (Reproduction/Freepik)
Confirmed cases
The first confirmed death due to leptospirosis occurred on April 20th, the victim was 67 years old and livedday in Travesseiro, in the Taquari Valley. The second case was um 33 year old man, in the municipality of Venâncio Aires on April 21st.
The third and fourth cases were confirmed on May 23, a month after the first two. UA 56-year-old man, from Cachoeirinha and another 50-year-old man, from Porta Alegre, died from the disease. The fifth death was confirmed this Monday by the government of Rio Grande do Sul.
Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by the bacteria Leptospira, which can affect both humans and animals. Transmission occurs mainly through direct or indirect contact with the urine of infected animals, especially rodents, in humid environments or during floods. The bacteria enter the body through cuts in the skin or mucous membranes, such as the eyes, nose and mouth. The symptoms of leptospirosis can vary, from mild, like those of the flu, to severe forms that can affect multiple organs, which can lead to fatal complications. Common symptoms include high fever, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, jaundice and red eyes.
Featured Photo: Floods in Rio Grande do Sul. (Reproduction/Freepik)
Leptospirosis deaths increase in RS
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Leptospirosis deaths increase in RS