“Macetando” by Ivete Sangalo and Ludmilla approaches the Top 5 on Spotify
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“Macetando”, a partnership between Ivete Sangalo and Ludmilla, rose two positions on Spotify Brazil and now occupies sixth place. The song, which is a bet for Carnival 2024, continues to stand out on the music charts and has everything it needs to enter the Top 5 on the platform soon.
“Macetando” is part of Ivete Sangalo's new EP
Through social media, the singer celebrated the success of “Macetando” and thanked her fans for their support. “Moving towards number 1. I'm very happy that you're accepting the song”published Ivete.
The song is part of Ivete Sangalo's new EP, titled “Reivete-se 3.0”. “Você Não Sai” and “Gigante” are the other tracks on the project. “Macetando” is the second partnership in the singer's career with Ludmilla, as they both released “Pulando na Pipoca”, a bet for the 2020 Carnival.
The bubblegum chorus and choreography promise to make “Macetando” one of the hits of Carnival 2024. At 51 years old, Ivete Sangalo is one of the most popular artists in the history of Brazilian music, with several awards won throughout her career, including four Grammy awards Latin.
“Macetando” clip was recorded at Maracanã
Clip for “Macetando” (reproduction/YouTube/Ivete Sangalo)
The clip for “Macetando”, released on YouTube, is a cut from a show performed by the singers at Maracanã, in Rio de Janeiro, on December 20th. At the time, Ivete Sangalo invited Ludmilla to sing the track during the performance. The show was held in honor of Ivete's 30-year career.
In just a few hours, the clip has already reached more than 1 million views and received praise from fans of both artists.
Featured photo: Ivete Sangalo and Ludmilla in the video for “Macetando” (reproduction/YouTube/Ivete Sangalo)
“Macetando” by Ivete Sangalo and Ludmilla approaches the Top 5 on Spotify
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“Macetando” by Ivete Sangalo and Ludmilla approaches the Top 5 on Spotify