Mark Zuckerberg did 5km under 20 minutes
And isn’t it that one of the guys with the most money in the world runs very well?

Mark Zuckerberg running in Berlin in 2016 amid the challenge of running a mile a day in 2016. He completed the task of running 365 miles in the year in seven months.
According to the magazine Runner’s WorldMark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook and Meta, ran the 2023 Stanford Medicine My Heart Counts 5k on April 30, and completed the race in 19:34, which gives an average pace of 3:55 min/km and was 11th out of 1,113 athletes.

Zuckerberg, is 38 years old and wrote on Instagram “Good 5k with friends. The whole class achieved the goal which was under 20 minutes”
According to the Runner’s, Mark has been a more dedicated runner in the past (he set a challenge to run at least a mile a day in 2016) but has said that he is not as dedicated to the sport anymore. You know nothing, innocent!
Mark Zuckerberg did 5km under 20 minutes
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