My man does not communicate: how to do it?

My man does not communicate
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My man does not communicate

Your companion is a man full of mystery who never talks about his feelings? Your man doesn’t communicate and you don’t know how to know what he’s thinking? What are the solutions to maintain the couple in the face of lack of communication?

Hello everyone, I introduce myself I am Alexandre Carmon, love coach since 2007 and specialist in couple life. I thank Léa and the whole team of for welcoming me on their excellent website to help you better manage your communication when you are in front of a man who has trouble opening up and who hides his feelings.


You are surely disillusioned today to see that your partner closes like an oyster when it comes to talking or taking stock. The one who barely tells you “I love you” after so many years spent together disrupts your daily life and you have set yourself the challenge of extracting sweet words from him more often.

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My man does not communicate

Be careful all the same with this will because you could get the opposite effect and see it become even more enclosed. So in this article you will discover the tips to better communicate with your man, the solutions to know “where to look for his love?” and the tips that I pass on to the women I coach.

I wish you a nice reading and above all, do not hesitate to share your experience or your questions in the comments!

How to communicate with a man who does not express his feelings?

Communication is a tool that you use perfectly in times of crisis but that you tend to forget when it comes to maintaining the flame. And yet, communication in a positive period of your daily life should allow you to get more involvement from your man. To make it speak, it is not a question of evoking the sentimental aspect but rather the future. How does he see himself with you? What would make him even happier?

If a man seems secretive, the best way to make him speak is to take an interest in him. Forget the fact that he doesn’t tell you enough that he loves you but are more interested in his life plans. If you can identify his personality, then you will see that he will include you in his future and this is the guarantee that he reassures you.

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How does he express his love?

It seems important to me to point out to you that a man who does not communicate and who does not tend to spread his feelings will rarely tell you about his past which is nevertheless at the origin of this difference between the two of you.

If you observe well, he will have had a difficult childhood or parents who also never expressed their affection for him. He is therefore not used to using words and demonstrates his affection through gestures and benevolence.

You need to observe his attitude to see if he protects you, takes care of you and makes sure you don’t miss anything. This is how you will be able to measure his love and put communication in the background.

Sometimes a couple relationship asks to deprogram your habits to adapt to your partner even if it seems strange to you given that no one shares the same life as a couple.

How do the women I coach do?

You may be wondering what advice I give to the women I coach to deal with this kind of situation. My first request is to be careful not to stifle or defy this man and to start trying to communicate differently, particularly through actions and positive communication at a time when everything is going well.

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To go further, I recommend that they thank their partner well when he carries out a positive action towards them because it is a way to encourage him to open up. On the other hand, it is absolutely necessary to avoid putting oneself in excessive demand and always asking for more.

Thus, never show that you are dissatisfied because you could point it at, try instead to fixate on the positive and get it to open up through your gratitude.

So to save your relationship and avoid crises “But why do you never tell me that you love me?” I invite you to observe the signals that seemed ridiculous to you and you will see very often that the majority of men express their love in gestures and justify themselves by the personal and sentimental past that they have lived.

And you, what are your tips to make it reveal itself? How do you manage your man when he doesn’t use words to reassure you?

I wish you all the best in your relationship.

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