Portela innovates on Avenida with a show of 80 drones in the sky of Rio de Janeiro

by Clare Dominic
Portela innovates on Avenida with a show of 80 drones

Portela innovates on Avenida with a show of 80 drones in the sky of Rio de Janeiro
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This Monday (20), the Portela Samba School entered the sambadrome with the theme “O Azul que Vem do Infinito”, the parade was dedicated to the school's 100th anniversary. Portela celebrates its centenary this year, 2023.

On the floats, the school invited several famous people who in the past made history in the association, among the famous people present were Luíza Brunet, Sheron Menezzes, Adriana Galiesteu, Paulinho da Viola, Diogo Nogueira, Marisa Monte, Zeca Pagodinho among others.

Portela, which is rich in history, could not pass its centenary without once again innovating in Marquês de Sapucaí. The Samba School didn't just leave the party on the Avenue, with 80 drones it also colored the sky of Rio de Janeiro, the drones that formed some words, such as Portela 100 anos, with the names of some characters and with the image of the eagle that is its mascot of the association.

Video: Portela Reproduction/Instagram

The association's carnival leader, Márcia Lage, gave an interview explaining a little about the School's plot.

“Portel has been celebrating its 100 years of history in Carnival and this parade was compiled in five segments, through the eyes of five people who are exponents of this history”

“Each sector of these segments has brought an important Carnival, an important samba during this trajectory of 100 years of collaboration in the world of samba”, he added.

The innovation brought by Portela to Marquês was not restricted to broadcast on television, the videos went viral on social media, resulting in the Samba School receiving numerous accolades.

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Remembering that not everything is rosy, Portela had a hard time with one of his cars that was unable to drive in a straight line, potentially putting people who were closest to the Avenue at risk, thus causing a noticeable distance between the allegories. However, this fact did not erase the shine of the Samba School and it gave a beautiful and surprising presentation.

Featured photo: Portela Reproduction/Instagram

Portela innovates on Avenida with a show of 80 drones in the sky of Rio de Janeiro

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Portela innovates on Avenida with a show of 80 drones in the sky of Rio de Janeiro

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