Preta Gil has a stress crisis and is hospitalized
Preta Gil, who is fighting bowel cancer, was admitted to Clínica São Vicente, in Rio de Janeiro, after feeling unwell. According to journalist Leo Dias, from “Fofocalizando”, SBT, the artist was scheduled to travel to Maranhão, when she felt bad and had to go to the health unit.
When she decided to leave the web, she wrote: “
I wanted to start this text by saying that I’m sick and I don’t mean cancer. I’m emotionally sick. In these last three months I tried in every way to stay sane as much as possible, where my life, which was already very difficult, became much worse. I take care of myself, I have a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, therapist, support network and even so, the pain and disappointment are so, so strong, that I got sick. I have decided that I need to step away from social media and dive deeper into my emotional and spiritual healing as I feel this pain is getting in the way of my cancer healing process. I have faithful friends who have not abandoned me, a family that is my foundation, beautiful fans who shower me with love, the best medical team and a lot of people who love and support me. I feel so grateful for that. Don’t worry about me, I know I’ll get over it, I know it will pass. Time is king. I also know that it will still hurt, but I will win and heal from these diseases!! Thank you for the care and love, see you soon.”
In January of this year, Preta Gil spoke about the disease for the first time.
“I have been hospitalized for the last 6 days at Clínica São Vicente, in Rio de Janeiro, due to a discomfort that I had been feeling, and thank God, today I received a definitive diagnosis. Adenocarcinoma in the final portion of the intestine. I start my treatment next Monday and I count on everyone’s energy to remain calm and confident”, he said in a publication at the time.
In April, she traveled to São Paulo to continue her treatment and always manages to reassure her fans about each stage of the fight against the disease.
Adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer that originates in glandular cells and can develop in various organs of the body, such as the prostate, stomach, intestines, lungs, breasts, uterus or pancreas, for example. The information is from Tua Saúde, linked to Rede D’Or.
The evolution of adenocarcinoma depends on the moment of diagnosis and the place where the tumor originated. It may have slower growth, and should be monitored regularly, or faster growth, with a greater risk of metastasis and treatment should be more urgent.
Thus, it is important that the general practitioner or oncologist be consulted as soon as alterations that are suggestive of adenocarcinoma are identified, as this way it is possible that the treatment is started soon afterwards.
Preta Gil has a stress crisis and is hospitalized
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