Scars, blemishes and cardiac arrest; learn about the effects of phenol peeling
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On Monday (3), in São Paulo, 27-year-old businessman Henrique Silva Chagas died after undergoing a procedure known as phenol peeling.
The procedure consists of chemical surgery, with the application of a caustic solution that causes skin peeling burns. It has normally been used for a long time to treat wrinkles and blemishes on the skin, but it can be harmful to health.
“Currently, there is very little seriousness regarding this procedure. It is necessary to always bear in mind that it can generate complications” explains Emerson Lima, president of the Brazilian Society of Dermatological Surgery (SBCD).
The procedure is not suitable for everyone, based on this, Edileia Bagatin, coordinator of the Department of Cosmetics at the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD), argues that the procedure should only be carried out by qualified professionals, as the peeling can result in many problems.
Dermatologists point out a high risk of permanent scars appearing after surgery. In an attempt to carry out the procedure to alleviate marks and/or remove scars, it is possible for existing scars to worsen and new ones to appear, which is why Edileia recommends that the process be carried out only for wrinkles.
“When the procedure is not carried out correctly, it can cause the person to have difficulty moving their eyelids or opening their mouth naturally”, comments dermatologist Emerson Nunes.
During the post-operative period, several precautions must be taken to avoid stains on the skin. 15 days after the procedure, the patient's skin goes through a peeling process, forming a peel on the face and especially in the area where the solution was applied.
Experts also warn of the risk of exposing the skin to the sun, which can darken the region.
“The face is burned in a controlled manner, but during the healing process, the skin becomes red, a condition that can last for up to three months” explains Emerson Lima.
Phenol peeling performance (Reproduction/Globo/Jornal Nacional)
Heart problems
In addition to aesthetic consequences, peeling also causes consequences for the cardiac system. The solution applied is classified as cardiotoxic, that is, it directly causes problems for the heart.
Phenol in high concentrations can cause hemolysis in the blood, neuromuscular paralyzing action, arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest.
Due to its effects, phenol peeling is not recommended for people with hypertension, heart problems in general or people with darker skin, due to the risk of inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Featured Photo: Phenol peeling effects (Reproduction/Tiktok/@clinicaharmonia)
Scars, blemishes and cardiac arrest; learn about the effects of phenol peeling
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Scars, blemishes and cardiac arrest; learn about the effects of phenol peeling