Starless, Ramon Menezes announces squad for U-20 World Cup
Not counting some of the main promises of the country, Ramon Menezes announced this Friday, the 28th, the squad for the U-20 World Cup, in Argentina
It is worth remembering that the category calendar is not disputed on Fifa Dates, which allows teams to deny the participation of their players in order not to embezzle them. That’s why, Vitor Roque It is endrick nor entered the summons announced this afternoon, unlike Andrew Santoscaptain of the team and loaned by chelsea to the Basque.
“This has already happened since I arrived here, I usually say and I give confidence to the selected athlete. Most of these athletes or all of them are playing in the first team, and we try to understand. We also understand that it is important for these athletes to wear the shirt of the selection. But I’m not one to regret, we’re leading a very strong team, it was like that in the South American too, I had to make 16 recalls”, commented Ramon on the subject.
With the starting date set for May 20, the Brazilian team will play its first match the following day, against Italy for the first round. In addition to the Europeans, Brazil will also face the selections of the Dominican Republic and the Nigeria.

See the list of invitees:
Starless, Ramon Menezes announces squad for U-20 World Cup
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