The 5 rules of a happy couple #happycouple

by James Williams
The 5 rules of a happy couple
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The 5 rules of a happy couple

Do you really want your couple to last, and this, by being happy as on the first day? It is a long-term task, which will require a lot of communication, understanding, patience and tenacity! But that doesn’t discourage you? Good!! Here are the 5 rules of a happy couple, to meditate with your other half.


Stay true

Well I see some who surely look up to the sky. “Well obviously you have to stay faithful, that’s the basis!” Precisely, we take all the basics! If you really love your partner, and you choose to spend the rest of your life with it, you must be prepared to give it everything to him, and not to live in secret constantly. Otherwise, it will end up hurting your other half, and the people around you. There is almost nothing worse than being deceived by the person you love. Stay true, and learn to appreciate the time spent with your love.

Make your partner feel wanted and useful (The 5 rules of a happy couple)

Asking your darling for help will reinforce her or her feeling that you need him/her. This is important in any relationship. You and your partner are there to support you no matter what, you are your personal assigned coaches! So let him/let her help you, give you good advice in life. Make them feel that they have a real impact on your life, that they really make a difference. This will only bring you closer, and soothe the burden of your daily life!

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Respect your partner

Respect is imperative to the proper functioning of all relationships. Everyone has different opinions, things they love, they hate… Respecting these differences will strengthen the bond between the two of you. You are obviously not being asked to agree with your other half all the time. But at least make him/her feel that he/she can express his/her opinion and opinions freely without fear of any bad reaction from you. And respect is not limited to opinions! Fidelity, communication, attention to the other, love for him… It’s all about respect.

Take time for your couple (The 5 rules of a happy couple)

Invest time and effort in your relationship! Which must obviously be two-way, and come from both partners… Life can sometimes go by quickly, activities can follow one another at a crazy pace, and inevitably your relationship can suffer… Know how to refocus things, take the time to reconnect you and your tender half. No need to make it complicated, but make sure to have regular joint activities in order to strengthen the foundations of your couple. And thus maintain it over time.

Take time for yourself

Because a couple is composed of two different entities that then form only one, but that does not mean that these two entities must forget each other no! For a couple to function healthily over time, it is essential that both of you know how to take time for you, each on your own. You don’t have to depend entirely on the other to be happy, nor do everything according to him. Do not forget your freedom or your happiness for the benefit of your couple no. So learn to recharge your batteries from time to time. To blow alone in your corner and to respect the desire for tranquility of your partner when he/she needs it! So you will find yourself with all the more happiness and complicity! (The 5 rules of a happy couple)

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