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Reborn: Egídio, the main villain of the plot, arrives in the soap opera

This week, new characters and groups will be introduced to the public, mainly Egídio (Vladimir Brichta), in Reborn. Starting with José Augusto (Renan Monteiro), the firstborn of José Inocêncio (Marcos Palmeira), who finally appears after making contact with Zé Bento (Marcello Melo Jr).

Check out the summary of the Renascer chapters


After learning about the events in Painho's life, the doctor decides to travel to the Jequitibá-Rei farm and visit his father after a long period of absence. It is during one of his conversations with his father that Zé Augusto surprises the farmer with the information that he intends to close his practice in Salvador.

José Augusto (Renan Monteiro) and João Pedro (Juan Paiva) in Renascer
José Augusto (Renan Monteiro) and João Pedro (Juan Paiva) – Photo: TV Globo/Estevam Avellar

Still in Bahia, a mysterious figure appears in the village, frightening even the children of the region with his unfriendly manner. This is Damião (Shaman), a killer hired to put an end to José Inocêncio.

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The man stops precisely at Norberto's sale (Matheus Nachtergaele) to probe for his next victim and leaves the merchant with a flea behind his ear. Damião's goal is to be hired as the farmer's employee to gain everyone's trust and get the job done.

Damião (Shaman) and Norberto (Matheus Nachtergaele) in Renascer
Damião (Xamã) and Norberto (Matheus Nachtergaele) – Photo: TV Globo/Estevam Avellar

Get to know Egídio’s nucleus in Renascer

If José Inocêncio doesn't imagine that the next ambush is being planned, he knows well that the danger is close by. He is Egídio, Firmino's only son (Enrique Diaz), Colonel Pica-pau, who in the past worked as a middleman in the region and who died after the clash with Colonel Belarmino (Antonio Calloni) in Renascer.

Egídio inherited the feud with José Inocêncio from his father and is going to start an open war with the farmer. The movement on Egídio's farm becomes even more intense with the arrival of Tião (Irandhir Santos), from his wife, Joana (Alice Carvalho), and the couple's children, in the coming days.

Married to Dona Patroa (Camila Morgado), a woman who fears God and her husband's orders, the colonel agrees to shelter Tião and his family on his farm at his wife's request, but the gesture is full of ulterior motives. Taken by Father Santo (Chico Diaz) and Pastor Lívio (Breno da Matta) to the farm, Tião renews his hopes of having a more dignified life there.

Egídio (Vladimir Brichta) and Dona Patroa (Camila Morgado) in Renascer
Egídio (Vladimir Brichta) and Dona Patroa (Camila Morgado) – Photo: TV Globo/Manoella Mello

Today in Renascer, Matador arrives at the village looking for José Inocêncio

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Tião is a crab collector, humble, but, above all, a dreamer. He aims to get out of poverty and offer a life like a queen to Joana, his wife and the great love of his life. There on the farm he will earn the nickname Tião Galinha.

Joana, despite being in love with Tião, suffers from her husband's daydreams, who dreams of getting rich to lift his family out of poverty. In fact, she will also have to deal with harassment from Egídio when she starts working at her bosses' house under Dona Patroa's orders.

Tião Galinha (Irandhir Santos) and Joana (Alice Carvalho) in Renascer
Tião Galinha (Irandhir Santos) and Joana (Alice Carvalho) – Photo: TV Globo/Fábio Rocha

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In Rio de Janeiro, Teca (Livia Silva) also faces difficulties to survive, as do his friends Neno (Gabriel Lima da Silva) and Pitoco (Juan Queiroz), young people living on the streets. Teca is pregnant with Du (José Duboc), but lives in a dilemma because he is unable to raise the child.

Until the fate of the young woman and Buba (Gabriela Medeiros) cross paths when the psychologist is involved in a traffic accident affecting the girl. Buba will provide all assistance to Teca after running over the young woman and eventually discovering that she is pregnant.


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Renascer is a novel written by Bruno Luperi based on the work of Benedito Ruy Barbosa. The artistic direction is by Gustavo Fernández, general direction by Pedro Peregrino and direction by Alexandre Macedo, Walter Carvalho, Ricardo França and Mariana Betti. The production is by Betina Paulon and Bruna Ferreira and the genre direction is by José Luiz Villamarim.

Reborn: Egídio, the main villain of the plot, arrives in the soap opera

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