Tribute to the Baby Who Departed.
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Actress and singer Mariana Rios suffered a miscarriage in July last year. This last Thursday (30), Mariana shared with her followers the new song she made to honor the son she lost.
With a video of the music video, the artist wrote: “They say that when you have a terminated pregnancy, you need to name your little baby and pray for him. I did it. And this is my prayer in song form for him. The last one from my EP “Basta Sentir Deus”. I hope that through these songs you felt peace, joy and love. After all, all these feelings were part of me when writing them. A kiss on everyone's heart!”
At the time, Mariana was engaged to Lucas Kalil, with whom she became pregnant. However, at the end of 2020, they separated. After the loss of the baby, the artist spoke about the subject on the Fátima Bernardes program and said that she felt welcomed when she received messages from several women who had also suffered a miscarriage.
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“It was very important to speak. But, even more important, was receiving the messages and stories that the women shared with me. This was of great value to me. I have a lot to thank all these women for. You see yourself in the other, the pain of the other is where you find yourself too, so you see yourself in the other“, she commented at the time.
Currently, Mariana Rios is participating in the “Show dos Famosos” competition, on Domingão com Huck, on Rede Globo.
(Featured photo: Mariana Rios releases music to honor the baby she lost. Reproduction/Instagram)
Tribute to the Baby Who Departed.
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Tribute to the Baby Who Departed.