Trip to see the wreck of the Titanic has to sign a “risk of death” term

by James Williams
Trip to see the wreck of the Titanic has to

Trip to see the wreck of the Titanic has to sign a “risk of death” term

Missing since Monday, (19), a submarine that takes tourists to see the wreckage of the Titanic at the bottom of the sea, so far it has not appeared. That Titanic Expeditionis being managed by the company Ocean Gate.

This sightseeing tour to see the wreckage of the ship that sank in April 1912, costs US$250,000, about R$1.19 million per person. The vessel has capacity for up to five people, including a pilot and four tourists.

Report by David Pogue who managed to see the wreckage of the Titanic (Reproduction: YouTube)

The trip lasts approximately 10 days, the first two days being on a boat, which takes passengers to the wreck site and travels 600 km along the Atlantic Ocean, to reach the wreck site it takes approximately 8 hours to complete the tour, a depth of 3,800 meters.

According to the company that runs the tours, Ocean Gate, there are at least 18 expeditions planned for this year. The company was able to sell the trips after they managed to make successful dives in 2021 and 2022.

stokton rushcompany president, revealed in an interview for CBS at the beginning of the year, that people are passionate about the history of the Titanic, in addition to being very rich. In the same interview given the reporter david pogue, was invited to go on this expedition and had to read the terms before signing and embarking on this trip. Among one of the pieces of information is that the trip is made in “an experimental submersible, which has not been approved or certified by any regulatory body and which could result in physical harm, psychological harm or death”. So far there is no information about the terms signed by tourists.

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In the report that was shown by CBS, the journalist, David Pogue described that “some parts of the submarine appear to be improvised”. After days of trying to make the trip, the journalist and the other crew managed to reach the wreckage of the Titanic

The submersible is made of carbon fiber and titanium, the vessel is called Titanthe size is similar to a large car, the space is small, and a small space that serves as a bathroom, and the submarine is operated by a controller similar to a video game controller.

Featured Photo: Submarine missing to view the wreckage of the Titanic (Photo: OceanGate)

Trip to see the wreck of the Titanic has to sign a “risk of death” term

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