Vai na Fé: Bella Campos ‘ignores’ parties because of José Loreto, says newspaper
If you are a fan of “go in faith”, from TV Globo, and follows the cast of the plot wherever they go, he has already noticed that most of the actors are very united, and are always doing reviews together, singing karaoke, going to restaurants, having Festa Junina and even visiting director Paulo Silvestrini in a procession by surprise.
Well, according to Jornal Extra, Bella had a secret and undisclosed romance with Jose Loreto at the time when both made up the cast of “Pantanal”, but the breakup was far from friendly, and the two have very little contact outside the scene and do not even follow each other on social networks.
This is increased by the fact that it is Loreto who usually pulls these “rolês” in groups or arranges the meetings, and most of the actors attend, including the protagonists, as Sheron Menezzes, Samuel of Assisi and Caroline Dieckmann. Bella and Cabelinho, on the other hand, tend to pose more together backstage, going against the grain of the group photons of the rest of the actors.
You can prepare the tissues because in less than a month, we will say goodbye to the adventures of Lui Lorenzo (José Loreto) and his gang. The last chapter of “Vai na Fé” is scheduled to air on August 11th and on Monday, July 17th, the cast lamented the start of the last week of recording. On social networks, it was possible to check out a mix of joy and sadness.
At the same time that most of the actors in Rosane Svartman’s plot got together to fraternize and celebrate, with lots of music and smiles, there were hugs and tears of longing. But everyone expressed a certainty: the soap opera will be marked in the trajectory of all of them! “It’s ending, this week is going to be exciting!”, wrote Clara Moneke, posing on the set of Kate Cristina’s house.
Carolina Dieckmann, who gives life to Lumiar, a character that marks her return to television drama – in addition to her return to Brazil – took a selfie with José Loreto and Samuel de Assis, who play “the men in the lawyer’s life” in the plot. “Love, it’s not even over and I’m already missing it… how do you do it?”, she wrote.
A lively group, including Sheron Menezzes, Carla Cristina Cardoso, Luis Lobianco, Elisa Lucinda, Marcos Veras, Priscila Sztejnman, Caio Manhente, among others, gathered for dinner.
Producer Vitinho’s interpreter, faithful squire of Lui and D. Vilma (Renata Sorrah), was moved when recording images of the cast’s fraternization: “I would take the end of the letter cycle. Now I get emotional, vulnerable, really weird. I’m glad I’m getting worse with time, I don’t complain about my peak”, he said.
Vai na Fé: Bella Campos ‘ignores’ parties because of José Loreto, says newspaper
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