Virgínia Fonseca's moving tribute to her late father and striking resemblance to her daughter
This past Sunday (13), Father's Day was celebrated and amidst so many moving statements, influencer Virgínia Fonseca published a beautiful tribute to her late father, Mário Serrão, on her Instagram, declaring:
“Dad, you taught me many things and today I have many attitudes that remind me of you! Thank you for being the best father in the world to me, thank you for everything, I wanted you by my side today, but I know you are in a much better place ! I love you more than anything and I will always love you, for all my life.”
When paying homage to him, the influencer mentioned the comparison that many of her fans make about the similarity between her father and his youngest daughter, Maria Flor.
“… everyone says that Florzinha looks like you dad, she is beautiful and very smiley” …, He also recalled the soups that his father made and added that his daughter would definitely love to eat them.
Virgínia in honor of Father's Day, highlighting the similarity between Maria Flor, her daughter (left) and her father, Mário Serrão (right) (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@virginia)
The pain of losing a father
Mário, Virgínia's father, was hospitalized from July to August 2021, in addition to some health problems, pneumonia was the main factor in taking him to treatment. Even though he was discharged within a certain period, he was hospitalized again and died in September of the same year. The influencer declared at the time that she would step away from social media for a few days.
“How it hurts! It hurts a lot! … Thank you for all the messages of affection, but at this moment the pain prevails, it hurts”, vented.
About Virgínia Fonseca
Virgínia Pimenta Fonseca Serrão, has been married to singer Zé Felipe, son of country singer Leonardo, since March 2021, with whom she had two daughters, Maria Alice, two years old, and Maria Flor, who will be ten months old on August 22nd. .
Virgínia, Zé Felipe and their daughters, Maria Alice and Maria Flor embarking. (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@virginia)
In addition to being an influencer, producing content for social media, she also became a businesswoman. The entrepreneur owns the brands WePink and Maria's Baby, as well as an advertising and marketing agency, Talismã Digital.
Virgínia always remembers her father on social media, as well as with her family, ensuring that his memory is always remembered with great affection by her family, especially her daughters, always mentioning his name, “Grandpa Mario”, as little Maria Alice calls him.
Featured Photo: Virgínia celebrating the nine months of her daughter, Maria Flor. Reproduction/Instagram/@virginia
Virgínia Fonseca's moving tribute to her late father and striking resemblance to her daughter
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