Zé Neto's son faces allergic reaction after bee sting
The son of singer Zé Neto, the duo Zé Neto and Cristiano, and influencer Natália Toscano faced a serious anaphylactic shock after being stung by a bee, the boy's mother revealed via social media last Wednesday (06). The worrying episode took place in São José do Rio Preto, in São Paulo, while the parents were enjoying a vacation in Dubai.
Allergic reaction and medical care
Natália Toscano, through a video posted on social media, detailed the incident that took José Filho to the hospital. The child, also asthmatic, was stung by a bee and had a severe allergic reaction, requiring immediate medical care. She highlighted the quick intervention of her mother-in-law, who took him to the hospital, where he received treatment with corticosteroids and adrenaline.
“He had a bee sting, thank God my mother-in-law is very mild, because he had a very serious allergic reaction, he ended up in the hospital”, explained Natália. “Jose is asthmatic, so he ends up closing his entire respiratory system, in addition to the external allergy. It was very strong, it's the first time Zé has had something like this”added the influencer.
Zé Neto, Natália Toscano and children (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@zenetotoscanooficial)
Treatment plans and future concerns
Natália did not specify the length of José Filho's hospitalization, but reported that he is recovering and is doing well. Furthermore, she expressed her concern about the episode and revealed plans to seek specialized medical treatment.
“We are evaluating the degree of the allergy and planning the appropriate treatment, as it is a new situation for us. The doctor will propose a treatment so that José develops resistance and no longer suffers from this allergy”emphasized the influencer, highlighting the importance of raising awareness about allergies and preventative measures.
She also reported that a consultation with an allergist in Campinas was scheduled, and under medical recommendation, Natália acquired an adrenaline pen against anaphylaxis during her stay in Europe.
Featured photo: Zé Neto, Natália Toscano and José Filho (Reproduction/Instagram/@zenetotoscanooficial)
Zé Neto's son faces allergic reaction after bee sting
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