Writer creates fashion collection with AI
While people are discussing the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence, brands are venturing into the world of technology to bring innovations to market, and one of these areas of the industry is fashion. Designer Pablo Xavier recently went viral when he created an image of Pope Francis wearing a white puffer coat. Now it was writer Anna Battista’s turn to create a collection with MidJourney.
Anna is a freelance writer and journalist and has worked with several renowned magazines, such as: Dazed, Vogue Russia, Vogue Italy, The Guardian and Interview Magazine Russia.
She also owns the blog Irenebrination, where she covers topics such as fashion, art, architecture, culture, lifestyle and social issues. It was there where she shared with her readers her creation of a fashion show created with artificial intelligence. The looks were inspired by the Renaissance period in their prints and have a casual and sporty style.
Piece created by Anna Battista (Reproduction/Irenebrination)
Anna revealed on her blog that she started using MidJourney at the end of last year, but that it was only in January that she started to delve deeper into the program, from then on she started working on the development of the pieces.
The journalist also reported that she faced some difficulties during the project development process. According to Anna, sometimes the system did not respect the established proportions and tended to cut slender and elongated figures.
“The main distortions were around the nose, eyes and lips, so the models ended up having unsettling faces (in one case the face looked like it had been sucked into the hood… pure horror); the hands sometimes had weird configurations with extra fingers, but that didn’t happen very often to be honest, most of the time the hands weren’t really an issue.”
However, with the program update to MidJourney (v 5), Anna stated that the results that can be achieved with this new version can be mind-boggling.
The writer also reflected on the use of artificial intelligence within fashion companies, questioning whether the use of AI would save money on advertisements and photo shoots or would bring a huge amount of plagiarized collections.
Check below some pieces created by Anna Battista.
Featured photo: Piece created by Anna Battista (Reproduction/Irenebrination)
Writer creates fashion collection with AI
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