Bruna Giphao: BBB Reveals New Singer
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One of the most authentic and eye-catching participants in this edition of BBB, Bruna Griphao, debuted in the world of music, writing a composition of her own. The sister took advantage of the visibility of the reality show and released a song called “Bandida”. The hit alone highlights female empowerment.
“I'm a composer, I've always had the habit of writing. Writing everything that happened to me and putting it on paper, in the form of poetry, in the form of music”said the sister.
Bruna, before joining BBB 23, surprised her Instagram followers by singing a song by Gloria Groove in a story. It had a huge impact on the web, affirming and strengthening Bruna's bond with music since childhood.
Bruna speaks in an interview: “I always wanted to sing, but I always put myself in a place where I was just an actress, not a singer, even in the roles I played, where I had to sing for the auditions. I thought I was an actress and that I could sing at times, in some roles… even though I always wanted to, I felt like an impostor about myself. So, following the latest events in my life, I started to take courage, to post things on the internet and see people's reactions. I started my singing class and started to feel safer. Furthermore, I also connected with people in music, who made me believe it could work.”
Bruna's first song, called 'Bandida', was released today on streaming platforms, with an official clip on YouTube. So far the song has had more than 15 thousand views.
Bruna Griphao's first music video as a singer (Reproduction/youtube)
According to the K2L Entertainment agency, Bruna left more than one song ready to release during the program, taking advantage of Reality's visibility. The dates have not yet been announced.
Featured Image: Bruna Griphao releases her first music video – Reproduction/Gshow
Bruna Giphao: BBB Reveals New Singer
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Bruna Giphao: BBB Reveals New Singer