Connectivity in Brazil: research reveals regional inequalities

by James Williams
Connectivity in Brazil: research reveals regional inequalities

Connectivity in Brazil: research reveals regional inequalities
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Connectivity in Brazil is a topic of great relevance, especially considering recent technological advances. A recent study revealed that only 22% of Brazilians over the age of 10 have satisfactory connectivity.

This is a survey by the Ponto BR Information and Coordination Center ( And it was released this Tuesday (16). This will be one of the surveys presented during a G20 meeting this April.

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Research was carried out by the Ponto BR Information and Coordination Center (Photo: reproduction/MesquitaFMS/GettyImages Embed)

Understand the research

The study that proposed nine indicators to assess connectivity was titled “Meaningful Connectivity: proposals for measurement and portrait of the population in Brazil”.

The indicators include the following topics: the cost of the home connection, the cell phone plan, the number of devices per person, the presence of a computer in the home, the diversified use of devices, the type of home connection, the connection speed household, frequency of Internet use and locations of diverse use.

Based on the sum of these variables, the researchers established different levels of significant connectivity, resulting in a scale of 0 to 9 for each individual in the sample. The survey revealed that a third of the population achieved scores of up to 2 points.

Regional inequality

The most recent indicators from ICT Households were used in this annual survey, when mapping access to information technologies in the country's urban and rural households. This way, they identified problems with access and use. Due to the speed of technological advances, it is necessary to expand understanding of digital inclusion.

When we analyze connectivity by region, we observe that the worst conditions are in the north and northeast regions, with a small portion of their population reaching the range of 7 to 9 points, while almost half reach the highest ranges of 7 to 9 points.

The south and southeast regions reached the highest rates despite having the largest population.

Featured Photo: regional inequality in connectivity in Brazil (Reproduction/Xavier Lorenzo/GettyImages Embed)

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Connectivity in Brazil: research reveals regional inequalities

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